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8 ways to make unique posts on wa, chat is more fun!

Cool writing on WA is not only about word games! You can try how to make unique writing on WA in full below. (Bold, Italic, etc.)

Make cool posts on WA in fact, it is not only limited to using the cool words that you quote, but you can also use various variations of cool WA writing codes to change style the font, you know!

By using this trick how to make unique writing on WA, your chat will look different from the others and of course chatting on WhatsApp will be more exciting, gang.

But, how about, yes, how to edit text on WhatsApp so that you can use the desired font style, such as bold, italic, and so on?

Well, instead of being curious, it's better to just look at Jaka's discussion about how to make unique writing on WA more below!

Collection of How to Create Unique Writing in the Latest WA!

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Various unique writings that you can make on WhatsApp app of course you can do chat more fun and not flat, aka just like that.

Here you can make bold (bold), italics (italic), the text is crossed out (strikethrough), and various other font styles.

Well, for more details on how to make cool posts on WA, you can follow the steps below which ApkVenue has reviewed in full and is easy to understand.

1. How to Make Bold Text on WhatsApp (Bold)

First of all, ApkVenue wants to tell you how to make unique writing on WA without an application for bold writing style aka Bold.

Bold fonts like this are usually used to express a statement that is considered important and must be given special emphasis.

To change it, you can add a cool WA writing code star (*) in front and behind the WhatsApp message that you want to send.

Suppose you want to write the word 'Important' in bold, then you must write *Important*.

2. How to Make Italic in WhatsApp (Italic)

In addition you can also add italics alias italic which is usually used to indicate a foreign statement.

To add italic text, you just need to put an underscore or underscore (_) both before and after the text.

If you want to write the word 'Corona' in italics, then you have to type _Corona_ on your WA

3. How to Create Middle Strikethrough on WhatsApp (Strikethrough)

Generally stylish writing Strikethrough aka strikethrough in the middle is used to indicate revisions and corrections to a statement in chat.

How to make unique writing on WhatsApp without this application you can use the sign tilde (~) both at the beginning and the end of the article you want to send on WhatsApp.

Suppose you want to write the word 'Wrong' with a strikethrough in the middle. Then, you have to type ~Wrong~ in your WA.

Oh yes, the trick on how to make unique writing on WA can also be applied to all WhatsApp MOD applications, gang. Really good!

How to Create Unique Posts on Other WhatsApp~

4. How to Create Monospace Writing on WA

Not only default font on Android and WhatsApp only, you can also add types font other while doing chat you know!

By using font Monospace or FixedSys, WhatsApp text will look like text coding computers that have a slightly spaced distance from one letter to another, gang.

To try it, all you have to do is add a apostrophe (''') three times both at the beginning and at the end of the writing.

After that, the writing style will change automatically. It's really easy, right, how to make monospace writing in WA?

5. How to Create Reverse Text on WhatsApp (Upside Down)

The next trick on how to make unique writing in WA is Upside Down aka reverse writing.

One step hack You can do this WhatsApp to prank your friends you know.

By sending a WhatsApp chat using reverse writing, of course your friends will be annoyed when reading it.

But to use this WA cool writing, you need an additional Android application called Upside Down (Flip Text). Here's an easy way to use it.

Step 1 - Download the Upside Down app

  • The first time, you must download the application Upside Down (Flip Text) on the following link.
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Step 2 - Write normal text

  • When entering the application, you just enter normal writing in the column at the top. Automatically, the results will be visible at the bottom.

Step 3 - Copy and paste the text

  • Next stay copy and paste the writing on the WhatsApp chat, gang. It's easy, right?

6. How to Make Alay Writing on WhatsApp (Fancy Font)

For those of you who like to play pranks when chatting on WhatsApp, you must try various things font over acting to make your conversation even more exciting!

Previously, you were required to install the application Fancy Text (For Chat) to make cool writing on this WA. You can follow these steps yes!

Step 1 - Download Fancy Font

  • You can download and install the app Fancy Fonts (For Chat) via the link below.
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Step 2 - Write the desired text

  • Then open the application and select Fancy Text. In column Enter Text Here, you enter the text you want to send.

Step 3 - Choose a writing style

  • Tap in one of the writing styles you want and select WhatsApp to start forwarding messages to your friends or groups.

7. How to Make Chat Empty on WhatsApp (Empty Chat)

Then, have you ever been bullied when a friend send empty chat on WhatsApp? Even without using characters or signs such as dots though, gang.

In fact, to do this, a special application called is required Empty which does function to send empty messages you know.

Well, for those of you who want to know how to make unique posts on WA using this trick, you can see the complete steps below:

Step 1 - Download the Empty app

  • The first way to make unique writing in WA, you can download and install the application Empty on the link below.
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Step 2 - Select 'Send'

  • Open the app, you live easily tap knob Send to send it directly to your WhatsApp contacts, gang. It's finished, how to make cool writing on WA!

8. How to Create Colored Text on WhatsApp (Blue Text)

How to make unique writing in the last WA will definitely make chat Your WhatsApp is getting more colorful, gang.

Because you can color writing in this application, it is blue in color by using a different font than usual.

Well, to do this you need a special application called Blue Text - Black Text to Blue Form which you can use easily. how do?

Step 1 - Download Blue Text

  • First you must download and install the application Blue Text which ApkVenue has provided the link download below this.

Step 2 - Make the desired text

  • Then open the Blue Text application and type the WhatsApp chat that you want to change the color of.

  • If you have, tap on the results of the writing that appear below it and select Copy to copy text.

Step 3 - Paste the text

  • Open the WhatsApp chat and in the column Type message you just paste the colored writing earlier. Send messages and your chat is now more colorful.

That's how to make colored writing on WhatsApp using the application, gang. Unfortunately, for how to make colored text on WA without an application, ApkVenue has not found the steps that you can try.

Well, for those of you who might be getting tired of sending funny WA stickers to make the chat more exciting, this trick is a must try, huh!

So, those are 8 ways to create unique writing on WA using various methods. It's really easy, gang!

Oh yes, if you are looking for a way to write variations on WhatsApp, you can also combine some of the tricks above to make a cool paragraph of writing.

This way, you can be more varied in chatting and make it not too dry! Do you have a trick on how to write cool posts on other WA? Come on share in the comments column.

Also read articles about WhatsApp or other interesting articles from Satria Aji Purwoko.

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