Social & Messaging

how to save someone else's whatsapp status, 100% works!

Reviews on how to save other people's WhatsApp status in the form of photos or videos without requiring additional applications on an Android phone (100% works)!

Have you ever thought about saving the WhatsApp status in your contacts?

Well, just like Instagram Stories, you can also do how to save someone else's WhatsApp status without having to find out!

Curious how? Here's a review that you can try on an Android cellphone without the need for additional applications, guys.

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How to Save Someone Else's WhatsApp Status Without Additional Applications!

For steps save WhatsApp status below, even you are not just a screenshot or recording the status screen that you see.

You can save smartphone memory without installing an application, here is an easy way to save other people's WhatsApp status easily and you can practice it. Let's see more!

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Step - 1 (Select the Story You Want to Download)

Now to see other people's WhatsApp status, you just have to go to tabStatus on the world's most popular chat application.

Here you can preview the statuses made by your friends, family and partners guys.

Step - 2 (Go to WhatsApp Directory)

Then to save the WhatsApp status that you saw earlier, you just have to use File Manager app which is available in the default Android smartphone that you have.

Here you just go to the following directory:



If the folder .Statuses is not visible, you must first show hidden folders in your File Manager application, yes.

Step - 3 (Move Saved WA Story)

Well in .Statuses folder folder which was originally hidden, you can save WhatsApp status from other people, usually if photos are in .jpg format and videos will be in .mp4 format.

Then, all you have to do is move the photo or video to the folder you want and rename the file to make it easier to find later.

So, those are some easy steps to save WhatsApp status without using additional applications.

This way, you don't have to bother spending your smartphone's internal memory or taking screenshots guys. Good luck and good luck!

Also read articles about WhatsApp or other interesting articles from Satria Aji Purwoko.

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