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7 couples in worst & absurd superhero movies, no. 6 definitely agree!

Do you agree that Joker and Harley in Suicide Squad don't match at all? Find out which other absurd couples appear in superhero movies.

Superhero films have become one of the most watched film genres in recent times. This is evidenced by the success of Avengers: End Game in becoming the highest-grossing film in the world.

The concept of the story and the unique characters in superhero films have become a magnet for many people to watch films of this genre.

One of the character dynamics that often appears in superhero films is the romantic nuance experienced by the main superhero characters, either with other superheroes or with ordinary humans.

7 Superhero Couples in the Most Incompatible Movies

Like other film sweetener effects, the existence of this superhero pair does not always have a positive impact on the entire film.

In some films, the existence of this couple even feels like unnecessary drama and is inserted as an addition to the duration of the film.

Of the many couples in superhero movies, some of the couples below are among the least compatible superhero couples. Curious who? Here's more information.

1. Bruce Banner & Betty Ross - The Incredible Hulk

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The Incredible Hulk is one of the Marvel's films that are classified as less successful, and in the end the green giant in this film had to becasting repeat.

There are many elements that don't match well in this film, and one of them is the love story between Bruce Banner and Betty Ross.

The screenwriter may want to sweeten this film by adding a forbidden love story between two hostile factions, like Romeo and Juliet, but in the end it turns out to be a blunder.

There is not any background convincing story which is able to make the audience believe that these two people are really in love with each other, and in the end their making out scene looks made up.

2. Logan & Jean Gray - X-Men Series

Photo source: geektyrant.com

X-Men is one of the superhero film franchises that has succeeded in developing their stories into several films.

Unfortunately, this is a long story unable to be background solid for the love story that took place between Logan and Jean Gray who already had a close relationship with Scott.

The dynamics of this love triangle are not made convincingly that make the audience less able to sympathize with their love story.

3. Reed Richard & Susan Storm - Fantastic 4 Series

photo source: lettherebemovies.com

Reed Richards and Susan Storm are actually one of the best superhero pairs in the comics, but this not well translated by Ioan Gruffudd and Jessica Alba.

Susan Storm's character in the Fantastic Four film series is as if made into a spoiled female character without strong motivation, much different from his figure in the comics. As a result, this character is difficult to develop in this film.

This also affects how the relationship that exists between him and Mister Fantastic in this film, their relationship becomes weightless like a high school teenage love story.

4. Daredevil & Elektra - Daredevil

photo source: pinterest.com

Daredevil was one of the less well-received superhero films when it was released, and one of the biggest factors that contributed to this was absence chemistry between players.

It is difficult for the audience to sympathize with the storyline that will be presented in this film because of the lack of it chemistry, including the love story between Daredevil and Elektra.

In this film when these two characters collide acting, It's really hard to find a truly concrete reflection of feelings inside it.

5. Peter Parker & MJ - Spider-Man Series

photo source: insider.com

Tobey Maguire and the Spider-Man he plays are very difficult to separate thanks to his brilliant acting in this film series. Toby managed to bring the figure of Peter Parker similar to the persona in the comics.

Unfortunately, this thing not supported by the character of Mary Jane by Kristen Dunst which throughout this superhero film looks whiny and wishy-washy.

When these two characters are combined not suitable for each other in a romantic relationship. This causes the conflicts that occur between the two throughout this franchise to feel artificial.

6. Thor & Jane Foster - Thor Series

Photo source: screencrush.com

The love story between a god and a human was used as a theme several times in a film and it worked, but sadly it did didn't happen to the love story between Thor and Jane Foster.

Throughout the Thor film franchise, this unusual couple's relationship is not well developed. The motivation between the two in building relationships is also looks so weak.

Their love story was finally stopped in the second Thor film and was never picked up again after that.

7. Joker & Harley - Suicide Squad

photo source: defpen.com

The dynamics of this villain duo's relationship actually has the potential to be developed to be very interesting, as shown in the comics.

Unfortunately, in Suicide Squad characterization of these two villains very oddly made and the resulting romantic story in the end looks ordinary.

Throughout this film, the Joker even looks like an attentive lover who is always trying to save Harley from trouble.

The couple ends up looking like a couple in a drama film, instead of being a super villain couple trying to dominate each other.

There are several couples in superhero films whose presence feels less essential, even disturbing.

It's not easy to build an attractive partner in an action movie, and some of these pairs are proof of that.

Hopefully the information that ApkVenue shares this time can entertain all of you, and see you again in the next articles.

Also read articles about Film or other interesting articles from Restu Wibowo.

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