
You must install these 5 types of software on your PC, if not....

Computer applications are software that we use to support various activities or our work such as typing, listening to music, watching videos, surfing the internet and much more.

Computer software is an integral part of the computer itself. Computer applications are software that we use to support various activities or our work such as typing, listening to music, watching videos, surfing the internet and much more.

Of the many computer software that has been developed, this time I will discuss some of the most important and mandatory computer software for you install on a computer or laptop device if you want to be able to use the computer properly, so please listen carefully.

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5 Types of Software that You Must Install on a PC

1. Operating System

Operating system is a software that manages the use of resources. Both hardware resources and other software resources. The Operating System is also like a kind of foundation that underlies all programs that run on our computers.

Without an operating system, of course, you won't be able to do any activity on your computer, other than watching your computer do it reboot repeatedly or black screen. So far, there are various brand operating system like Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, and so forth.

2. Word and Number Processing Application

In addition to the operating system, one of the devices that also plays an important role in your daily activities is a word and number processing application. In this modern era, it is undeniable that almost all people who work will certainly need a word processing application like this Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, and so on to do work.

3. Browsers

Browser is a software that serves to receive and present data and information from the internet, where users can use browser to surf looking for information from computers around the world. Of course, by first connecting to the internet. Currently there are various browser which you can make the main choice like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Just imagine, if you don't have browser on your computer, how are you going to find the information you need?

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4. Mailing Software

Mail processing software is another piece of software that is very important and you must have on your computer. Currently, sending files generally uses electronic mail (E-Mail) because of the convenience factor and files sent via E-Mail itself reach their destination faster.

In addition, with the existence of this electronic mail software, the use of paper for correspondence activities is also decreasing. Some of the E-Mail software that can be chosen are: Gmail and Yahoo Mail.

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5. Media Player

Media player is software that functions to open multimedia files such as audio files and videos then play it to be presented to the user. Media players themselves are increasingly popular in the 21st century since the music and film industries are growing so that many people need tools that they can use to play multimedia files (audio and video).

Apart from being a tool that connects users with digital entertainment, media players are also used in various jobs involving multimedia files such as advertising and so on.

That was it 5 apps that you must have on your computer, I hope it is useful and make sure you install all the types of software that I have described above because otherwise you will not be able to utilize and use your computer properly.

, see you and make sure you leave a trace in the comments column as well share to your friends.

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