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The best hoax news tracking app and site 2019, the anti-hoax generation!

Day by day, more and more hoaxes and can deceive you with wrong information. To avoid this, you can check out the recommendations for hoax tracking applications and sites, below!

Do you like to read the news every day?

You can read the news using various media, such as newspapers to applications. However, the news we know today is not that safe.

Many media spread hoax news or fake news. Especially if you search for the news through social media.

To avoid hoaxes, you can use Jaka's recommended hoax news tracking application or site, below!

Best Hoax News Tracker Apps 2019

Hoax or fake news is false information that is made to appear true. Unlike rumors or gossip, hoaxes are deliberately created and spread.

The first hoax was found in 1661 in the case of Drummer of Tedworth, tells the story of John Mompesson who is haunted by the sound of drums every night.

But in the end, a writer revealed that the voices were just a trick.

Quoted from Kumparan, the word hoax was only used around 1808 which came from the word 'hocus'. Hocus has the meaning of spells used in magic shows.

Hoax indirectly means the activity of deceiving other people. Hoaks continue to exist today and enter the world of technology.

In Indonesia, Kominfo managed to find 1224 hoaxes from various news content for the period August 2018 to March 2019.

The number of hoaxes has continued to spread, especially since the start of the 2019 Indonesian Presidential Election Process which triggered the spread of fake news and hate speech. Various hoax news appeared on social media.

Of course you will be upset if you eat hoax news, therefore a hoax tracker is needed so that the information you receive is the truth.

Here are some apps and sites that you can use to detect hoaxes:

1. Turn Back Hoax

First is the site Turn Back Hoax, an online community site that has a role to combat false information on the internet.

You can report news that you think is a hoax and has a negative impact on readers. You can access the site at turnbackhoax.id.

To report, you just select 'Report Hoax' which is at the top of the page. Then, enter all the information needed for the hoax news report.

You can also upload photos or files that you want to report. Come on, support the fight against hoaxes, gang!

2. Cekfact.com

The next is Fact Check, another site to track hoaxes by reporting them. This site will provide you with truthful information on many news topics.

The fact-checking site is a fact-checking collaborative project created by MAFINDO or Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society.

This site cooperates with several online media supported by AJI and AMSI.

You can use this site to find out the truth about some news topics or to report news. Nice!

3. Babe

Babe is a news application that has a feature to detect hoaxes. This feature is called Hoax Filter which you can access in the application.

In this feature, you can search for news and there is an explanation of the truth of the news. Apart from tracking hoaxes, you can read all kinds of informational topics here.

Come on, download the application for free below.

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4. HBT - Hoax Buster Tools

The next hoax tracking app is HBT - Hoax Buster Tools by MAFINDO. You can use this app to report hoaxes.

Apart from reporting, you can track posts and images. Reporting is also quite easy and you can do it similar to the Fact Check site.

Come on, download the app and report fake news!

5. HoaxEye Twitter

Last is HoaxEye on Twitter, HoaxEye is not a feature but an account on Twitter. This account is widely used to report fake news.

The way to report to HoaxEye is by mention HoaxEye account on the news that you doubt the truth, then HoaxEye will give you the answer.

Not only telling whether the news is true or a hoax, but also some explanations about the truth. Just take a look at his profile @hoaxeye in twitter.

Those are the best hoax news tracking apps and sites that you can use to avoid fake news.

Which apps or sites do you use most often? Write your opinion in the comments column, yes. See you in the next article!

Also read articles about Hoax or other interesting articles from Daniel Cahyadi.

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