
how to browse without ads on android, easy and economical

We are sometimes annoyed by the many ads that appear when we are cool to browse using a browser on Android. For that, this time ApkVenue will give you tips on how to browse without ads on Android.

Browsing is one of the activities that are often carried out by smartphone users. Although the level of browser usage is reduced due to the number of websites and social media that make their own applications, browsers are still used especially when browsing new websites.

Unfortunately, we sometimes get annoyed with the number of ads that appear when you're cool to browse using a browser on Android. In addition to being annoying, the advertisements that appear often make our smartphones cringe.lag thus discourages us from exploring the page further.

For that, this time Jaka will give you tips on how how to browse without ads on Android.

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How to Browse Without Ads on Android

Photo source: Source: Marketing Land

You don't need to be annoyed or afraid that your smartphone will lag while browsing because this one tip is guaranteed to make you able to browse cool and fun without any ad distractions. Without further ado, just follow the steps below on your Android.

1. Install the Power Browser App

The first step, you need to first install a browser called "Power Browser - Fast Internet Explorer". You can find and install this browser for free on the Google Play Store.

Install: Power Browser

2. Open the App

After the browser is installed, you just go to the next step, namely by opening the browser that is already in your smartphone application list.


3. Enter Web Address

Enter the web address you want to go to and browse. After you are on the website, then pay attention to the shield icon with a check mark at the bottom right of your smartphone screen. Click the icon.

4. Turn Off or Block Ads

Enable ad blocking on these web pages by sliding the icon to the right of the "Adblocking" as shown in the picture above. Done! Now the website you are going to is officially free of ads.

That's the tips how how to browse without ads on Android. Now you can enjoy browsing the internet without fear of being disturbed by the name of advertisements. Good luck!

Also read articles about Android or other interesting articles from Reynaldi Manasse.

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