Want to learn the Linux operating system? Here are a variety of basic commands that are often used in Linux to make it easier for you to learn them.
LINUX is one of the most widely used operating systems besides Windows and MacOS. based Open SourceThis operating system has a variety of interesting features and is easy to modify, which is one of the reasons why hackers choose Linux over Windows.
In general, users who are used to using Windows or Mac will be a little confused when they are just starting to try Linux. In order not to be too blind when trying Linux, here JalanTikus share some basic commands (basic commands) commonly used in Linux.
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Basic Commands on Linux
Here are a variety of basic Linux commands that you must know when learning or trying the Open Source Linux operating system. Linux Basic Commands it works in almost all versions of Linux, of course this will make it easier for you when trying Linux.
mkdir create directory
- Usage: mkdir [OPTION] DIRECTORY
- Example: mkdir lhn
ls list directory list
- Usage: ls [OPTION] [FILE]
- Example: ls, ls l, ls lhn
CD change directory
- Usage: cd [DIRECTORY]
- Example: cd lhn
pwd - print current directory name
- Usage: pwd
vim Vi Improved, a programmers text editor
- Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]
- Example: vim lhn.txt
cp copy files and directories
- Example: cp sample.txt sample_copy.txt
- cp sample_copy.txt target_dir
mv move (rename) files
- Example: mv source.txt target_dir
- mv old.txt new.txt
rm delete files or directories
- Usage: rm [OPTION] FILE
- Example: rm file1.txt , rm rf some_dir
find look for
- Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern]
- Example: find file1.txt, find name file1.txt
history prints recently used commands
- Usage: history
paint concatenate files and display in output standard
- Usage: cat [OPTION] [FILE]
- Example: cat file1.txt file2.txt
- cat n file1.txt
echo display text line
- Usage: echo [OPTION] [string]
- Example: echo I love India
- echo $HOME
grep display a line that matches the pattern
- Usage: grep [OPTION] PATTERN [FILE]
- Example: grep i apple sample.txt
toilet display the number of lines, words and bytes a file
- Usage: wc [OPTION] [FILE]
- Example: wc file1.txt
- wc L file1.txt
sort sort
- Usage: sort [OPTION] [FILE]
- Example: sort file1.txt
- sort r file1.txt
tar archive files
- Example: tar cvf /home/archive.tar /home/original
- tar xvf /home/archive.tar
kill kill a process
- Usage: kill [OPTION] pid
- Example: kill 9 2275
ps display a snapshot of the current process
- Usage: ps [OPTION]
- Example: ps, ps el
who know who's logged in
- Usage: who [OPTION]
- Example: who , who b , who q
passwd password update
- Usage: passwd [OPTION]
- Example: passwd
su change USER ID or become super user
- Usage: su [OPTION] [LOGIN]
- Example: su remo, su
chown change file or group owner
- Usage: chown [OPTION] OWNER[:[GROUP]] FILE
- Example: chown remo myfile.txt
chmod change file permissions
- Usage: chmod [OPTION] [MODE] [FILE]
- Example: chmod 744 calculate.sh
zip archive files
- Example: zip original.zip original
unzip open a ZIP archived file
- Usage: unzip filename
- Example: unzip original.zi
ssh SSH client (remote login program)
- ssh is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine
- Usage: ssh [options] [user]@hostname
- Example: ssh X [email protected]
scp secure copy (remote file copy program)
- scp copies files between hosts on a network
- Usage: scp [options] [[user]@host1:file1] [[user]@host2:file2]
- Example: scp file1.txt [email protected]:~/Desktop/
fdisk partition manipulator
- Example: sudo fdisk l
mount mount a file system
- Usage: mount t type device dir
- Example: mount /dev/sda5 /media/target
umount unmount file systems
- Usage: umount [OPTIONS] dir | device
- Example: umount /media/target
du see storage capacity
- Usage: du [OPTION] [FILE]
- Example: du
df see the amount of storage usage
- Usage: df [OPTION] [FILE]
- Example: df
quota view disk usage and limits
- Usage: quota [OPTION]
- Example: quota v
reboot restart the system
- Usage: reboot [OPTION]
- Example: reboot
power off shut down the system
- Usage: poweroff [OPTION]
- Example: poweroff
Kate KDE Editor
- Usage: kate [options][file(s)]
- Example: kate file1.txt file2.txt
vim Vi Improved, a programmers text editor
- Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]
- Example: vi hello.c
gedit Text editor for creating and editing files
- Usage: gedit [OPTION] [FILE]
- Example: gedit
bg make processes in front run behind
- Usage: type ctrl+z and then bg
fg make background process run in front
- Usage: fg [jobid]
jobs display process ID and name
- Usage: jobs
sed stream editor for sorting and transforming text
- Usage: sed [OPTION] [file input]
- Example: sed s/love/hate/g loveletter.txt
awk pattern scan and language processing
- Example: awk F: { print $1 } sample_awk.txt
find search in one directory
- Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern]
- Example: find name file1.txt
locate look for
- Usage: locate [OPTION] FILE
- Example: locate file1.txt
Those are the various basic Linux commands that you must know so as not to be too blind when using Linux. If there are errors or things you want to convey, don't forget to write them in the comments column. Good luck!