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10 films that actually contain illuminati elements, many symbols of the Antichrist?

Be careful when watching movies, gang! It could be, the film you watch contains harmful illuminati elements and can brainwash you!

Do you like watching movies? If so, you'd better be more careful because you might be "brainwashed" by these films.

The reason is that film is one of the media that can be used as a propaganda tool. The proof is that many films secretly insert elements of illuminati.

This time Jaka will give a list films containing illuminati elements what you need to watch out for, gang!

What is the Illuminati?

Illuminati is the name of a group that longs for existence New World Order alias The new world order.

They are believed to be the masterminds of events that occur in the world either through governments or corporations.

Illuminati groups more often play behind the scenes than have to appear in public. In fact, they are rumored to have a special ritual for their own circle.

Many say that they worship the devil even Dajjal, making this group very feared by the public.

10 Films That Contain Illuminati Elements

Many who believe in the Illuminati group try to spread their ideology through various means, such as films, music, to cartoons.

For the film itself, Jaka found at least there is 10 movies containing the Illuminati elements. Anything?

1. Angels and Demons

photo source: jazweeh.com

The first is a movie Angels and Demons which is adapted from the novel of the same name by And brown.

In this film, there is a kidnapper who claims to be representing the Illuminati group and carrying out a series of terrorist incidents in various places.

2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Fan Harry Potter? Surely you know the name Deathly Hallows or the Deathly Hallows?

Well, for those who don't know, it is a kind of heirloom consisting of a stick, stone, and a magic robe.

These objects have symbols that resemble one-eyed pyramids that are already very synonymous with the Illuminati group

3. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

Photo source: Tomb Raider Wiki - Fandom

Adapted from video games, movies Lara Croft: Tomb Raider played by Angelina Jolie is arguably quite a commercial success.

In this film, the Illuminati is a secret society that becomes Lara Croft's main enemy. Lots of Illuminati symbols throughout the film.

More Movies . . .

4. Minions/Despicable Me

Photo source: SU Walls

You must know the yellow mini creatures that can only live if they have one Sir Or just the employer?

Character minion the yellow one is adorable. Unfortunately, he must be described as one-eyed like the Dajjal.

Which of you has gee that the minions are indeed the representation of Dajjal?

5. Monster University

Photo source: Den of Geek

The characters in the animated film Monster University it does look funny. Even so, there is something sinister about the film's logo.

We can see the letter M with the eye in the middle. It is a well-known symbol of the Antichrist.

In addition, one of his green characters also only has one eye, as Dajjal has.

6. National Treasure

Photo source: Life of Adventure

We don't need to see the movie to know that the movie National Treasure contains Illuminati elements.

From the poster and the title alone we can see a one-eyed triangle, a symbol that is very synonymous with the Illuminati group.

7. Sherlock Holmes

Photo source: The Vigilant Citizen

One of the films based on a phenomenal novel, Sherlock Holmes, also inserts Illuminati elements in it.

On the movie action played by Robert Downey Jr. This is a lot of rituals performed by a group led by Lord Henry Blackwood.

8. The Da Vinci Code

Photo source: Roger Ebert

Based on a novel by And brown, The Da Vinci Code tells of Robert Langdon's attempts to solve the mystery of the murder of a curator at the Louvre Museum in Paris.

The death turned out to have something to do with a mysterious society named Priory of Zion also Knights Templar.

9. The Lord of the Rings

Photo source: Business Insider

Movie fans The Lord of the Rings must already know the name The Eye of Sauron alias Sauron's Eyes. He is in the form of a single eye which is identical to the Dajjal.

It is said that no one bears the sight of Sauron's terrible eyes. He also has the ability to track who is carrying the magic ring.

10. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Photo source: io9 - Gizmodo

The last film that had Illuminati elements was Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. This robot film is very famous and has a fairly large fan base.

In one of the battle scenes in Egypt, we can see the pyramid building that does not have a top has been destroyed.

This is one of the Illuminati symbols indicating that they are waiting for Lucifer to come to fill the void.

So that 10 films that contain elements of the illuminati, gang! I never thought that our favorite films turned out to be like that.

But as long as you are not easily influenced by the films above, you can watch them!

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