
4 strongest battle decks for arena 2 to 5 clash royale

Playing Clash Royale but having a hard time getting from Arena 2 to Arena 5? Try the combination of the 4 strongest battle decks for Arena 2 to Arena 5 that Jaka gave this.

Not long after it was officially released for Android, Clash Royale finally topped top chart Google Play Store. This game, which was also developed by Supercell, has finally shifted its position Clash of Clans. One of the obstacles experienced after Clash Royale was officially released was the difficulty of leveling up or the Arena.

So that you can easily climb the Arena, you can use the Clash Royale tips from JalanTikus. Like how to make the strongest Battle Deck that Jaka will give you.

  • Best Arena 5 Card Combination (Battle Deck) Clash Royale
  • Unbeatable Battle Deck Combinations for Level 5 Clash Royale
  • How to Beat EPIC Cards in Clash Royale

Strongest Battle Deck Arena 2 To 5

After passing the Training Camp, you can still walk smoothly to Arena 1. But once you enter Arena 2, you start to find it difficult to move up to the next Arena. Then Jaka will give you the 4 strongest Battle Decks that can lead you to smoothly advance from Arena 2 to Arena 5.

1. Barbarians Lead the Way

Because once summon there are 4 warriors with a fairly high Hitpoint, then Barbarian suitable to be used as a tanker. With its relatively slow movement, it allows the Barbarian to be combined with witch, Spear Goblins, Archer, or Baby Dragon to provide an attack that can suppress the enemy with this strongest Battle Deck.

To break the enemy's Prince or Giant's attack, you can use Skeleton Army. And if destroyed by an opponent's Arrow, you can immediately distract the Giant or Prince with tombstone which has quite a bit of Elixir for a fee summon-his. And when the opponent uses the Skeleton Army to break your ground attack, direct it Arrow yours.

2. Giant First, Then Witch

With the Witch's ability to attack on land and air, Giant is suitable as a Tanker as a barrier to attacks while allowing Witch to release attacks. First, summon Giant behind the Tower to give time to collect Elixir, then summon Witch. Followed by Spear Goblins and minion that can attack land and air, it is certain that the opponent will be in trouble.

3. Don't Underestimate Skeleton

In Clash Royale, you can find many cards that use Skeletons. Everything is equally deadly. If you have a Giant Skeleton, Skeelton Army, and Witch, then you have the strongest Battle Deck ready to destroy your opponent's defenses.

Giant Skeleton somewhat troublesome for the opponent because in addition to its large size, this card can be used as a Tanker that troubles the opponent. If the opponent manages to defeat the Giant Skeleton in his Arena, then the bomb he carries will give damage the arena is quite big. When busy attacking with the help of Witch, Spear Goblins, and Baby Dragons, you can turn your opponent's attention to Goblin Huts if at any time your defense is threatened.

4. Hut First, Then Advance

As Jaka once said in the article 8 Tips To Always Win Battle Clash Royale, Horde is the best friend. Attacking together with a large number of soldiers will certainly make the opponent confused. If you are confused about how to use the combination deck this strongest, you can try to read it in the article Unbeatable Battle Deck Combinations for Level 5 Clash Royale.

For those of you who have difficulty getting to the next Arena, please try the 4 strongest Battle Deck combinations for Arena 2 to Arena 5 Clash Royale. This strongest Battle Deck is made to be able to face all possible opponents. Wisely manage the time and place summon your card, it is guaranteed that you can quickly go up the Arena.

Let's enter the Arena!

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