
These 5 dota 2 heroes have ultimate skills that hurt their opponents

DotA 2 itself provides 113 heroes with various unique skills that you can try at will. Well, among the 113 heroes, there are several heroes with skills that can be considered very annoying.

DotA 2 is a game spin-off from the Warcraft game that rose to fame a few years ago thanks to gameplay interesting and exciting that is offered during play. DotA 2 itself is a MOBA genre game that offers a 5 vs 5 playing system, where players can choose a character or title called Hero that will be used to defeat the opposing character on the other team before destroying the enemy's main headquarters to ensure victory.

DotA 2 itself provides 113 heroes with various unique skills that you can try at will. Well, among the 113 heroes, there are several heroes with skills that can be considered very annoying. Curious? See below.

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These 5 DotA 2 Heroes Have Ultimate Skills That Hurt Their Opponents

1. Dwarven Sniper


Dwarven Sniper is an Agility type hero who is famous for being annoying because of his two skills, namely Take Aim and Assassin. The Take Aim skill will increase the shooting range of this hero to 850 range, which is enough distance to attack a tower or hero from a great distance.

While the Assassin skill is the skill with the furthest distance in DotA 2 which is often used when a dying enemy tries to escape and feels safe, but suddenly a high-speed bullet pierces the hero's head. It really hurts to get hit by this skill especially when you are sure you have survived the battle.

2. Vengeful Spirit


Vengeful Spirit is an Agility hero that is often used as Support and Carry. This one hero is famous for his skills Nether Swap his who can swap the position of this hero himself with an opponent's hero or friend. This skill itself is often misused to exchange the Vengeful Spirit hero himself when he is in danger with his partner so that his partner is killed. In addition, this skill is also sometimes used to prevent the enemy from running away by changing the enemy's position into a crowd of heroes before being ganged up on.

3. Lion


Lion is an Intelligence hero who is often feared because of his skills Finger of Death hers. This skill itself is really scary because damage generated is very large and can kill the opponent's hero in an instant. This skill is very annoying because it is sometimes used to do kill speed on dying heroes. In addition to making the opponent hurt, this also often makes colleagues who want to get kill become annoyed because their prey is taken.

4. Zeus


Zeus is an Intelligence type hero who is famous for his very painful skills. Combination of skills Lightning Bolt and Thundergod's Wrath can deliver up to 800 damage to opponents (425 of them hit all enemies wherever they are). Of course this skill is very annoying when you have survived war in a dying state but suddenly a thunderbolt appears from the sky that kills you.

5. Bloodseeker


Bloodseeker is an Agility type hero who is famous as a hero hunter. Skills Thirst which can increase movement speed up to 40% per hero plus skills Rupture who will give damage to the enemy when they move will make the enemy confused whether to run or allow himself to be killed by Bloodseeker.

Sometimes when in a situation war, many player who complains why their heroes suddenly die for no reason when in fact their heroes die because they move when hit by the Rupture skill.

That was it 5 DotA 2 heroes who have the most annoying ultimate skills, hopefully entertaining and which of the five heroes do you think has the most annoying skills? Jaka himself really hates Dwarven Sniper's Assassinate skill and Bloodseeker's Rupture skill.

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