Social & Messaging

how to buy coins online using credit| one click!

Want to buy stickers or themes on the LINE app but not enough coins? Jaka has a solution, here's how to buy LINE coins using credit.

Are you a loyal LINE Messenger user? Still really like the features sticker and themes on LINE? Want to buy sticker or LINE Theme using credit?

Due to LINE's success in developing features sticker WhatsApp has also joined in, there are stickers too, you can even make your own stickers on WhatsApp.

But still, LINE stickers are the cutest and cutest!

One of the ways to get these LINE stickers is by using LINE Coins.

But what if our LINE coins are not enough? Calm guys Jaka has a solution, you can first refill your coin balance with credit.

here how to buy LINE coins using credit.

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Here's How to Buy LINE Coins with Credit

TAKE NOTE! To buy LINE coins using credit, the credit that you can use must be credit from your own phone number, guys.

If you no If you have credit too, you can find out how to get free credit on your cellphone.

Make sure your balance is enough to buy coins, minimum IDR 15,000. Here are the steps:

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  • First, open the LINE app and go to the tab Profile with the three horizontal dots icon on the far right.

Then go to Arrangement by tapping the icon in the upper right corner.

  • Second, go to menu Coin to continue the process of buying LINE coins with credit.
  • Third, you will enter the coin menu and can see how many coins you have left. To buy coins with pulse tap Contents which is in the upper right corner.
  • You can choose how many coins you can buy. At least you can buy 50 coins at a price of US $ 0.99 or around Rp. 15 thousand.

To buy it tap coin nominal which you will buy.

  • After that, Will appear pop-up for payment processing. Click the down arrow icon to enter the menu payment method so you can buy LINE coins with credit. After that tap Continue.
  • Next to buy LINE coins with pulse tap Payment method. Next tap Continue.
  • On this menu you can buy LINE coins with credit. How to tap option Credit.

Remember the credit must be from the number you use for the internet package. This is so that Google can detect your number.

  • The next process is several stages for number verification you.

Once verified you will be sent SMS notification for the purchase of coins.

If the process has been completed the coins will automatically auto increase according to the amount you buy.

Those are Jaka's tips about how to buy LINE coins with credit. From now on, you don't have to worry if your coins run out because you can buy LINE coins with credit.

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