Tech Hack

how to tap a cellphone with smartphonelogs (tested)

You can download the free Smartphonelogs APK here along with a tutorial on how to use it. There are also other alternative applications for tapping cellphones, you know!

Smartphonelogs or Secure Data (Smart Logs) maybe already familiar among the kepo-ers who really likes to spy on those closest to him.

Yes! This application has recently been in great demand because of its ability to tap the cellphone of a boyfriend or the closest people around you, gang.

So it's not surprising that people flock to download Smartphonelogs for free forever so that they can continue to be used to tap target cellphones.

Well, for those of you who are curious to download and know how to use it and whether this trick still works in 2021, you can see Jaka's article about how to hack a cellphone with Smartphonelogs the following.

What is the Smartphonelogs App?

The name of this application itself has actually changed to Secure Data (Smart Logs) on the Play Store. It's just that, people are already familiar with the name Smartphonelogs.

This application itself was actually created with the aim of perform backups of various applications on Android phones, not even to tap HP.

SmartLogs is also capable of encrypting all SMS, phone calls, pictures, notifications, history browser, to WhatsApp messages.

Because of its features like that, it's not wrong if this application is often used to tap other people's cellphones. Jaka will give you the complete way!

Smartphonelogs Application Features

Before discussing further about the Smartphonelogs download link and how to use it, Jaka wants to tell you first some of the main features offered by this one application.

Where one of the most eye-catching is, this app is able to backup all SMS either incoming or outgoing real-time.

Not only SMS, you can also find out incoming messages from various applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Line, Gmail, and many others.

All incoming calls, outgoing calls, up to missed calls you can also find out real-time. Voice call also included, but not available in all countries.

Not only communication lines, this application will also backup photo data that will be uploaded to the service cloud. You can also find out the location of your cellphone quickly and real-time, suitable if you want to track your lost HP.

Not only that, history Internet usage on the target's cellphone will also be known easily, including bookmarks and search history.

Another plus of this application is that you can manage multiple devices at once with just one account. At this point, you understand why this application can be used to tap a partner's cellphone?

Download Smartphonelogs APK

The first thing you have to do to be able to use this application is to download the Smartphonelogs APK first. Not on your HP, but on the HP of the target you want to tap.

Calm! the installation of this application will not be caught because SmartLogs has a feature to hide the application icon, gang. So, it is quite safe to trick the target and not make him suspicious.

Well, for those of you who are interested in using this application, you can download the application via the following link:

>>>Download the Smartphonelogs App via Play Store<<<

Or you can also use the following alternative link:

>>>Download Latest Smartphonelogs APK via Google Drive<<<

How to Use the Smartphonelogs App

How to use Smartphonelogs itself is actually not much different from when you use a similar application to tap someone's WhatsApp.

But, to make it clearer and not confusing, you can refer to the complete steps below.

  1. Open the Secure Data (Smart Logs) application and log in to your account.
  1. Grant notification access permission to the SmartLogs application so that it can run normally.


  1. Select the 'Hide Icons For Security' button to hide apps on your phone so they don't get caught.

Note: If the app doesn't work, try another method below!

  1. Site access through a browser application on a cellphone or laptop.

  2. Enter the username and password that you created earlier.

  3. Choose which device to tap.

  4. Find and select various applications that you can tap. Starting from SMS, WhatsApp, photos, location, phone calls, to browser history.

Below, ApkVenue gives an example of how you can know the location of a cellphone accurately. So you can catch him if he's lying!

Well, those are the steps on how to use Smartphonelog APK to tap HP. It's easy?

January 2021 updates: Unfortunately, based on Jaka's observation, this Smartphonelog application and site can no longer be used, gang.

In fact, both the site and the application on the Play Store have just disappeared without a trace.

So even if it's out there you can find Latest Smartphonelogs APK provided by a third-party site, but you still can't use it to tap your cellphone because the site itself has disappeared.

Therefore, it is only natural that currently the APKs circulating on the internet only provide the oldest version, because Smartphonelogs not updating another version in 2020 then until now.

But, don't worry! Jaka has recommendations for other best alternative applications for tapping cellphones, which can be listened to below.

Alternative Cell Phone Hacking Applications

This application is indeed proven to be effective for tapping someone's cellphone or maybe your girlfriend. In fact, you can also use Secure Data (Smart Logs) for WhatsApp and tap it.

But, that doesn't mean that this application is the best one, gang. Because there are still some Another best mobile tapping application other than SmartLogs which you can use as an alternative.

Well, for those of you who are curious, Jaka has already discussed this in a previous article which you can read below:


That was how to tap a cellphone using the Smartphonelogs application. But if Jaka can suggest it, it's better not to, if you get caught it's dangerous! Moreover, the HP tapping service is no longer updated.

In addition, as you have seen above, this application asks for a lot of access to our cellphones. Very scary, right?

Oh yes, for those of you who are still wondering how to activate the smartphonelogs expired, Better move-on just go to another application!

Also read articles about Hack or other interesting articles from Fanandi Prima Ratriansyah.

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