Tech Hack

3 ways to delete other people's & own wa status

Want to delete someone else's WA status or yourself but don't know how? Here are 3 ways to delete WA status easily and practically. Guaranteed to work!

Don't want to lose to platform social media Instagram or Facebook, WhatsApp has also now provided Status features like IG stories or Facebook stories, gang.

Where users can post statuses in the form of writing, photos, or videos and will disappear automatically after 24 hours.

However, apparently many people don't really understand this feature, including how to delete their own WA status or even someone else's.

Well, if you're curious, just take a look tricks on how to delete your own WA status and others more details below.

How to Delete Your Own WA Status

In addition to downloading WA status, you can also of course delete WhatsApp statuses that have been posted without having to wait 24 hours.

Yes, it is true! You see, it turns out that there are also some users who think that this WhatsApp status can only be deleted after 24 hours, gang.

Want to know how? Here are the complete steps on how to delete WhatsApp status yourself:

Step 1 - Go to 'Status' tab

  • After being on the main page of the WhatsApp application, you select 'Status' tab.

Photo source: JalanTikus (Follow this step if you want to know how to delete your own WhatsApp status).

Step 2 - Tap the three dots icon

  • Next step, you tap the triple tap icon which is next to your WA status post.

Step 3 - Delete status

  • If you are already on the My Status page, next you tap the dot icon again next to the WA status you want to delete then select 'Delete'.

By going through the steps above, you have now succeeded in deleting your own WA status, gang.

For those of you who are experiencing the wrong photo posting or maybe you also feel that your funny WA status is normal and embarrassed to be on display for a long time, you try this trick from Jaka this time!

How to Delete Other People's Status on WA

Have you ever felt like you didn't like someone's WhatsApp status to the point that you wanted to delete it?

Well, in addition to your own status, you can also easily delete other people's statuses on WhatsApp, gang.

You don't need to use the WhatsApp MOD application to do this, because only through the following steps you have succeeded in deleting other people's WhatsApp statuses:

Step 1 - Go to 'Status' tab

  • First of all, you first open the tab 'Status' in the WhatsApp application.

  • Then, select which status you want to delete.

Step 2 - Tap and hold on status

  • After determining which status to delete, you tap and hold on status the.

  • Then the Mute status notification window will appear. Here you select the button 'Mute'. It's done!

Photo source: JalanTikus (Select the Mute button if you want a way to remove the status of people on our WA).

Although the steps above are not really a way to delete someone else's WA status, but by doing that you can no longer see that person's status update, gang.

But, if one day you change your mind, you can still unmute the person's status by opening it 'Status' tab then scroll to the very bottom until you find 'Muted updates'.

After that, you tap and hold on the status of the other person you want to unmute and select 'Unmute'.

BONUS: How to Delete WA Status Saved in HP Memory

You know what, if it turns out that every other person's WhatsApp status that you see, then history the status will be stored in the HP memory, you know!

In other words, you also have a JPG file of the status photo which is then stored hidden in the HP memory.

Slowly this condition will certainly make your smartphone feel slow because it stores a lot of "junk" files in it.

For that, this time Jaka will also give trick how to delete WA status stored in cellphone memory, gang. Curious? Here are the steps.

Step 1 - Open File Manager

  • First of all, you open the app File Manager which is on the smartphone.

  • Here Jaka uses a Redmi Note 7 cellphone, so if there is a different look, you just have to adjust it, okay!

Photo source: JalanTikus (This is one of the steps on how to delete WA status stored in HP memory).

Step 2 - Open WhatsApp folder

  • If you are already in the File Manager application, then you find and open the folder 'WhatsApp'.

  • Continue again by opening the folder 'Media'.

Step 3 - Open the '.Statuses' folder

  • Once in the Media folder, then you select a folder named '.Status' like the picture below.
  • If you don't find this folder, you can click three dots icon in the top right corner and select 'Show hidden files' to bring it up.

Photo source: JalanTikus (Select the .Statuses folder to continue the steps on how to delete the WA status that we have seen).

Step 4 - Delete WA status file

  • Finally, in this .Statuses folder, you just have to select which WhatsApp status history file to delete.

  • The way to delete the WA status that we have seen and stored in the cellphone memory has also been completed, gang!

How about it, how easy is it to delete WhatsApp status stored on cellphone memory?

Meanwhile, for WhatsApp statuses that have been lost (more than 24 hours) or have been deleted by the owner, you won't find the files either historyit in this folder.

So, you don't need to look for ways to delete WA status that has been lost.

Well, those are some ways to easily and practically delete your own WA status or someone else's, gang.

Do you know tricks on how to delete other WA statuses? Can you really? share in the comments column below. I hope this helps!

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