
easy way to break into lock applications on android

There may be some important applications such as BBM, Facebook, and maybe SMS that are locked by an application. But since you're so curious you've probably tried random passwords. Here Jaka has powerful tips for

Maybe you've played your friend's smartphone. But there may be some important applications such as BBM, Facebook, and maybe SMS that are locked by an application. But since you're so curious you've probably tried random passwords. Here Jaka has powerful tips for breaking into the lock application.

Sounds like high skill hacking technique, right? But it turns out that this is just a matter of the application you use to open the lock application. How do you do it? Here's JalanTikus describe it Easy Ways to Break into Lock Apps on Android. Here JalanTikus uses AppLock, but this method can be used in all lock applications, yes.

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Easy Ways to Break into Lock Apps on Android

  1. Go to settings
  2. Go to the application section
  3. Find AppLock or other lock apps
  4. Once open press the button "Clear Data" or "Clear Data" in the below section
  5. Press "OK" if there is a warning

Try opening the locked application. This way the lock application will lose data and will return to normal. However, the method above can only be used if the settings are unlocked. If the smartphone settings are also locked try the following methods:

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Easy Ways to Break into Lock Apps on Android If Settings are Locked

  1. Long press the lock app until it vibrates. Then a tab above will appear. Swipe the app to tap which goes to settings or you can also uninstall the app.
  2. Even though the smartphone settings are locked, this way the smartphone settings can be unlocked.

You can try these two methods on all lock apps from the Google Play Store. However, this method cannot be used for the original default screen lock from the smartphone.

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