
how to use the fun and funny tik tok application

Do you claim to exist on various social media? It's not legal if you haven't tried the Tik Tok application which is no less exciting than other platforms. Here's how to use Tik Tok.

Various social media platforms are now loved by almost everyone, especially smartphone or gadget users. Starting from Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and other social media, all of which provide interesting features. Now comes another platform that you also shouldn't miss.

He is Tik Tok. This short video social application supported by music is one that you must try because of its great features fun and interesting. Here's Jaka you know how to use Tik Tok for those of you who are curious.

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How to Use the Tik Tok App

If you've ever tried an app called, you will definitely not be foreign when you try Tik Tok. Provides a service that allows you to create short videos that accompanied by song, you can make videos lip sync or just have fun using this application.

In addition, this application also has various filters and funny effects that you can use and of course make it more fun. If that's the case, then just watch how how to use Tik Tok and follow the steps below.

  • Install the Tik Tok app for free on Google Play Store.

Download: Tik Tok

  • Before starting, you can login using your account Facebook, Instagram, Google, or any other account.
  • Select icon "+" at the bottom center > You are provided with various choices of music alias songs to choose from by category or search for it directly in the search field.
  • After finding a suitable song, select "Confirm to use and start shooting".
  • Before you start recording, you are provided lots of choices filters, effects to the choice of video speed that you can create as you like.
  • Press "Hold" to start recording, release if you want to stop.
  • Your video is finished. Now, you can title for videos and share to the social media account you want.

That's Jaka's explanation about how to use the Tik Tok app which is funny and no less exciting than other applications. You can be free to be creative by trying various cute filters and your favorite songs. In fact, you can also invite friends to make videos together so that so more fun. Good luck!

Also read articles about Application or other interesting articles from Reynaldi Manasse.

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