Clash Royale

the best combination of battle deck golems in clash royale

Do you like Golem Clash Royale cards? Here are some of the best Golem card combinations in Clash Royale that can be used.

The Golem Card is one of the best armor cards in Clash Royale. Golem cards have several advantages, namely: blood (hitpoints) large, direct attacks on enemy buildings, and can become two golemites when the Golem breaks.

Determining the right combination of Golems is not an easy thing. If you are interested in using Golems, you can imitate one of the best Golem combinations in Clash Royale below:

  • Best Battle Deck Hog Rider Combination in Clash Royale
  • PEKKA Battle Deck Combination - The Strongest Prince in Clash Royale
  • The Strongest PEKKA Special Battle Deck Combination Clash Royale

The Best Golem Battle Deck Combination

Golem is one of the Epic Clash Royale cards that can be obtained at Arena 6 Builder's Workshop. The drawback of Golems is that their attacks and movements are quite slow.

The advantage of Golems is that they have blood (hitpoints) large, can become two Golemites when the Golem breaks as well as direct attacks on enemy buildings, be it Towers or other building cards.

Those are some of the strongest Battle Deck Golem combinations that can be used when playing Clash Royale. If you have other Golem combinations, you can share in the comments column. For those of you who haven't played Clash Royale, download the latest Clash Royale Android here. Good luck!

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