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7 unique facts about captain marvel, number 2 is surprising!

Who has been waiting for the Captain Marvel movie? Before watching, it's a good idea to know some unique facts about this superhero!

When Nick Fury vanished at the snap of Thanos' finger in post credit film Avengers: Infinity Wars, a logo appears on pager Fury showing a mysterious logo.

Only fans hardcore Marvel was the one who immediately understood the logo. That is the logo of one of the superheroes from Marvel, namely Captain Marvel.

Since the film will be aired in the near future, Jaka wants to give you Unique facts about Captain Marvel here gang!

Captain Marvel Unique Facts

Just like Spider-Man, Captain Marvel also has several versions. The one used in the film is the version Carol Danvers, where played by Brie Larson.

Other characters who have ever carried the name Captain Marvel include: Sharon Ventura, Karla Sofen, until the first Muslim superhero Kamala Khan.

You need to know, Captain Marvel is one of the strongest characters in the Marvel universe. Is it possible to be stronger than Thanos? It could be.

So that you can estimate the strength of Captain Marvel which will also appear in the film Avengers: Endgame, it helps you know the facts about Captain Marvel below!

1. Half Alien

Photo source: CBR

Did you know that Carol Danvers is half alien and half human? Yeah more or less like Peter Quill in the movies Guardians of the Galaxy. The alien blood he got from the nation Kree.

The difference is that Danvers' parents are not Kree. He acquired the abilities of the Kree after being caught in the explosion Psyche-Magnetron with the Kree soldier named Mar-Vell.

After the explosion, Mar-Vell's DNA fused with Danvers' DNA, giving him superhuman abilities.

2. Shazam Was Called Captain Marvel

Photo source: DC Comics

Do you know the DC movie called Shazam which will hit theaters this year? Well it turns out, before being named Shazam, this superhero had a name Captain Marvel!

How come? So the story goes, in the 1970s, DC bought the comic character from Fawcett Comics which was discontinued in 1953.

They kept the name until in the end Marvel demanded DC to drop the name because they felt that they were the first to use the name.

Marvel won the lawsuit and in the end DC renamed its Superhero to Shazam.

3. First Debut In 1968

Photo source: Syfy

Danvers isn't the first Marvel Captain. When it debuted in 1968, there was already another Captain Marvel. Denvers is simply a fighter pilot for the United States air force.

For several years, he was just an ordinary citizen before gaining the power of an explosion that made his DNA fuse with Mar-Vell's.

More Unique Facts . . .

4. Previously Named Ms. Marvel

Photo source: ComicBook.com

Danvers bears the name Ms. Marvel from 1977 to 2012, before finally turning into Captain Marvel.

Now, the name Ms. Marvel is more synonymous with the first Muslim superhero in the Marvel universe.

Behind the figure is Kamala Khan, a teenager of Pakistani descent who has the ability to change shape.

5. First Female Superhero Solo Film in MCU

Photo source: GeekTyrant

Even though we've known each other for a long time Black Widow since Iron Man 2 and Scarlet Witch on movie Age of Ultron, none of them have ever made a solo film.

Captain Marvel it became the first female superhero film from Marvel Cinematic Universe. In fact, he has never even appeared in Marvel films before.

6. Join Different Groups

Photo source: Nerdist

If he is analogous to being a student, Danvers is the type of student who is very busy because he participates in various organizations both at the faculty and campus level.

As Danvers, he joined the Air Force, NASA, the CIA, to S.H.I.E.L.D. As Captain Marvel, he is a member of The Avengers, New Avengers, X-Men, to Guardians of the Galaxy.

In fact, he has also worked at The Daily Bugle, where Peter Parker works as a photographer.

I don't know what motivated Danvers to do this, either he wants to help protect humanity as much as possible or he needs to extend it curriculum vitae-his.

7. The Power of Captain Marvel

Photo source: GeekTyrant

Actually, what makes Captain Marvel considered one of the strongest characters in Marvel? Of course because of the power it has, but what kind of power?

Of course he has super strength and speed like Superman, flying here and there, psychic powers, and the ability to absorb energy and throw it like a Kamehameha.

so it's a gang Unique facts about Captain Marvel. Are there still unique facts that Jaka hasn't mentioned? If there is any, share in the comments column yes!

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