
how to set different volume in each android app

This application is very sophisticated, you can adjust a different volume automatically in every application installed on your smartphone.

Today's Android smartphones or tablets are increasingly sophisticated. You can almost do anything thanks to hardware powerful, constantly evolving operating system, and the support of many available applications with very diverse functions. In addition, some smartphones also support multi-window features like on a computer.

Now, Android usually has a separate volume setting, namely volume for multimedia and volume for ringtones. Unfortunately, often when we're doing multitasking, for example streaming video and open other applications, when you want to adjust the volume of the media sound but instead the volume of the ringtone is replaced. As a result, we have to fiddle with the volume levels to get the best experience. Pretty annoying isn't it? Now, reported from Wonderhowto, ApkVenue has an application that can adjust the volume automatically here.

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Advanced! Here's How to Set a Different Volume in Each Android App

1. Install the Volume Control App

Is an application called App Volume Control, which allows you to adjust each application with a different volume level automatically according to your wishes. That's the premise of the application made developer SpyCorp, regulates volume levels on a per-app basis. Take it easy, this application is very easy to use, does not require access root and totally free.

Install Volume Control App from Google Play Store

2. Enable Accessibility

After you install and open it, for App Volume Control to work, you must enable the settings in accessibility. Just press "Press here" to go directly to accessibility settings and activate App Volume Control or by going to settings and selecting accessibility.

3. Set Different Volume Level Each App

Once the accessibility settings are enabled, go back to App Volume Control and you will now see a list of all the apps installed on your smartphone. From here, simply press any app to individually adjust the volume level.

For example, here Jaka tries to select the BBM application, on the next screen you will see 5 different volume categories. Among them, media, tone ring, alarms, notifications, and systems. Just turn it on and set the volume level you want.

4. Disable Show Notifications (Optional)

From now on, the volume will automatically be set to a different level every time you open one of the apps you've configured. One thing you need to do is open App Volume Control settings and disable "Show notification".

If you don't disable it, a notification will appear from the application every time it successfully does its job and if it's too frequent, it's certainly quite annoying. With this your volume level will change automatically, what do you think?

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