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7 anime with the best cgi, better than disney animated movies!

In your opinion, which anime has the best CGI quality? Jaka has seven lists of anime, guaranteed to spoil the eyes!

Many people watch anime because of its unique and different animation style. The depiction of traditional characters and settings is one of its strengths.

Along with the times, anime makers began to combine classic styles with more modern CGI effects.

Well, that's why this time Jaka will give you a list 7 anime with really cool CGI quality! Anything?

Best CGI Anime

Anime that uses CGI is increasingly commonly used, especially to create 3D animation. This method is used to cut costs and reduce the energy that must be spent.

Not all support the use of CGI in anime. Aesthetics is one reason. Moreover, if the CGI is executed poorly, blasphemy will soon be obtained.

Even so, there are many anime that manage to apply CGI well. The look and feel would be very different if they didn't use CGI.

Below, ApkVenue doesn't just include anime series. Jaka also included wide-screen films in the list.

1. Attack on Titan

Photo source: GeekTyrant

With the intense action and movement of the characters, it's only natural that anime survival Attack on Titan using CGI technology.

It is certain that animators will be dizzy if they have to draw scene after scene with only pencil and paper.

Instead of getting migraines, they decided to combine 2D and 3D especially for fast movement with lots of panning and camera rotation.

The trick is to pair CGI with fast motion to hide the flaws from the audience.

The most visible example of the use of CGI is when members of the Corps perform typical aerial acrobatics.

2. Fate/Zero

Photo source: Madman Entertainment

If an anime company had its own CGI team, the results would probably be as good as the anime Fate/Zero this one.

The reason is simple, their team has full understanding of what to do in terms of style or art.

Fight scenes, dramatic camera movements, fast-paced actions all use CGI technology. It will be very difficult if you only rely on 2D images.

This anime maker studio, ufotable, are well known for their expertise in implementing 3D animation.

Besides Fate/Zero, the anime Fate/stay night: Unlimited Bladeworks also applies a similar concept.

3. Land of the Lustrous

Photo source: Amazon

One of the reasons why a lot of anime that uses CGI get bad results is because of its mediocre use of CGI.

Anime creators and animators Land of the Lustrous understand this. They also see creative opportunities in CGI that cannot be done manually.

Therefore, they ended up using CGI completely. The general opinion among anime fans is that this anime is an anime with the correct application of CGI.

The animators also understand that 2D body language doesn't apply to 3D, so they focus more on improving the fluidity and natural movement, and facial expressions of the characters.

Other CGI Anime. . .

4. Expelled from Paradise

Photo source: Azumi.Moe

The next anime on this list is Expelled from Paradise or also known as Tsuihou Rakuen.

The 3D visuals of this anime include cell-shaded but still looks like the anime we know so far.

If you want to see 3D anime with a 2D art style without involving photorealism, this anime is one of the best examples.

All the characters in it, from Angela, Dingo, to the inhabitants of Earth, look good even though they are in 3D.

5. Steamboy

Photo source: Pinterest

From the creators of anime Akira, there is an anime Steamboy which was released in 2004. This anime film is one of the harmonious combinations of 2D and 3D animation.

Everything seems to flow in this anime, starting from panning camera, dialogue synchronization, and the most important CGI action scenes.

This anime has around 440 CGI pieces or sequences. In the year the film was released, the numbers were staggering.

The characters are drawn by hand, but the depictions of the old London city, especially those related to machines, are computer generated.

The movement of gears, hot steam bursts, to the sound of a running piston. The level of detail possessed by this anime feels impossible to achieve if only drawn by hand.

6. Summer Wars

Photo source: JustWatch

Next there is an anime movie Summer Wars which is also considered successful in implementing CGI. In fact, this anime is considered capable of pushing the boundaries of 2D and 3D aesthetics.

This film managed to combine between 2D and 3D to get a nomination as Best Animated Feature at the event Japan Academy Prize in 2010.

It's also one of the first anime where the combination of 2D and 3D makes sense, given the story of a genius who is accused of hacking into a virtual game world.

As a result, the real world and the virtual game world collide head-on. A good reason not to use CGI?

7. Stand By Me, Doraemon

Photo source: Hype MY

The last anime on this list is Stand By Me, Doraemon. This legendary anime film that we all love is broadcast in 3D animation.

Just like Mario who jumps from 2D to 3D through the Super Mario 64 game, this film is also a stepping stone for Doraemon.

Keeping the original art style, the whole film looks visually impressive. Moreover, the storyline and characters are really maintained.

We will see the characters Nobita, Doraemon, Shizuka, Giant, to Giant in 3D, but it feels exactly the same as we know in the 3D anime or manga.

Those were some anime with the best CGI quality which you can watch. The titles above are examples of anime's success in implementing CGI.

Even Jaka considers that the quality produced is much better than most Hollywood animated films. Just look at the level of detail that Steamboy has, it's insane!

Do you prefer traditional anime or have a CGI touch? Write in the comments column, yes!

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