
Importantly, this is what LAN, Wan, Man, Can, VPN and San mean!

Through this article, Jaka wants to provide an understanding of what LAN, WAN, MAN, CAN, VPN, and SAN mean. So, you understand what the difference between each of them is.

In the world of technology, especially computers or laptops, you definitely need a connection. Well, that's a lot of variety. And sometimes, not all understand about the network on the computer.

Through this article, Jaka wants to provide an understanding of what LAN, WAN, MAN, CAN, VPN, and SAN mean. So, you understand what the difference between each of them is.

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Important, This Is What LAN, WAN, MAN, CAN, VPN and SAN Mean!

1. What is a LAN or Local Area Network?

LAN is a form of computer network that is generally known. This network has a limited range, maybe only one house or one building. Therefore, LAN usually uses an ethernet cable that is connected to a computer or laptop.

2. What is HAN or Home Area Network?

HAN is a type of network that is in the local area. All devices such as smartphones, computers, laptops, IoT devices, televisions, game consoles, and so on are connected to the Internet router center, either wired or wireless that is placed in a house.

3. What is WLAN or Wireless LAN?

WLAN is a type of wireless network for local area. It uses WiFi technology which is defined according to the IEEE 802.11 standard. Well, if you think WiFi and WLAN are the same, the answer is WRONG. Because, WiFi is used to create a wireless network in the local area.

4. What is a PAN or Personal Area Network?

PAN is a network that is used for personal and has a range of about 10 meters. This technology is used to create a private network. A concrete example is Bluetooth which is commonly used in smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other devices.

5. What is CAN or Campus Area Network?

As the name implies, CAN is an infrastructure network forcover schools, universities, or other corporations that can be generalized such as campuses.

6. What is a MAN or Metropolitan Area Network?

MAN is a network thatcover larger area than a LAN or CAN network. In fact, the MAN can be used to connect to several LANs at once that can penetrate a city or a large metro area.

7. What is WAN or Wide Area Network?

From the name it is clearly implied, WAN is a network that covers a wide area. In fact, the coverage can reach homes, offices, cities, and even countries. So, modem or router installed in your house is connected by a WAN. Examples are 4G LTE, Fiber optic, and others.

8. What is a SAN or Storage Area Network?

In general, SAN is a network that connects storage devices through a server. So, you can use it directly. This technology is also commonly known as Fiber Channel.

9. What is a VPN or Virtual Private Network?

VPN is a computer network which has no physical form. Technology will make you detected in a fake location, so you can connect to the internet with a different IP address from the device you are using. Usually this is done by a hacker.

That's the meaning of LAN, WAN, MAN, CAN, VPN, and SAN. Also make sure you read articles related to Technology or other interesting writings from Jofinno Herian.

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