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watch the movie Molulo: a match can't be forced (2017)

Want to watch a local film with a national flavor? Come on, watch Molulo: A Match That Can't Be Forced (2017) full movie here, guaranteed to be good!

Do you like watching Indonesian films that try to elevate local culture? Jaka recommends you to watch movies Molulo: Matchmaking can't be forced this one.

This film was produced by Rumah Semut Film and DCU Production and was broadcast in 2017. However, this film was re-aired at the Platinum Cineplex MGM Swalayan Kolaka.

For those of you who are planning to watch this film, let's read the synopsis and interesting facts below!

Molulo Film Synopsis: A Match Can't Be Forced

Photo source: YouTube

Matchmaking is usually done for various purposes. In the film, usually in order to get wealth from one of the family.

If the matchmaking experienced by Tiar (Andi Arsyil Rahman) is a little different. As the son of a clothing store entrepreneur in Makassar, he wants to be paired with another clothing store entrepreneur's son

Tiar objected to marrying a woman named Musdalifah (Musdalifah Basri) who is actually still his own cousin. Musdalifa herself really wanted the matchmaking.

One day, Tiar met a woman named Ros (Arlita Reggiana Viola Huswan) who managed to attract his attention. Turns out, he's from Kendari

Right on the day of the proposal, Tiar decided to run away with her best friend named Dodi (Dodi Mahuze). They fled to Kendari and started looking for Ros.

Turns out, Ros is not the type of woman who is easy to talk to. Tiar also had to make an effort to get closer to Ros, including practicing the Molulo dance.

Will Tiar finally be able to attract Ros's attention? What about the fate of the matchmaking? Watch this movie to find out the answer!

Interesting Facts about Molulo Movie: Matchmaking can't be forced

Photo source: YouTube

As a film that seeks to elevate the values ​​of local wisdom, there are many interesting facts about this film. Anything?

  • This film is based on a true story that happened in 1973. At that time, there were two couples who had different cultures, namely Makassar and Kendari.

  • Molulo which is the title of this film is a hereditary tradition in the Kendari area which is often found at wedding parties.

  • The filming location for this film was carried out in three areas, namely: Makassar, hammer, and Kendari.

  • The soundtrack of this film was arranged and sung by Zul Zivilia.

  • Besides Musdalifah, many stand up comedian who came from Makassar, Palu, and Kendari who participated in this film.

Watch Molulo Movie: Matchmaking Can't be Forced

TitleMolulo: Matchmaking can't be forced
ShowNovember 2, 2017
Duration1 hour 55 minutes
DirectorIrham Acho Bahtiar
ProductionFilm Ant House, DCU Production
CastAndi Arsyil Rahman, Arlita Reggina, Musdalifah Basri, et al
GenreDrama, Comedy

More and more filmmakers are trying to elevate local cultures so that they are increasingly recognized by their own people.

Apart from movies Molula: Love Can't Be Forced this one, there is also a movie Yowis Ben which elevates Javanese culture.

If you want to watch this one movie, just click the link below!

>>>Watch the Movie Molulo: Love Can't Be Forced<<<

That was the synopsis and interesting facts about the film Molula: Love Can't Be Forced. If you live in Sulawesi, it's obligatory to watch this.

There's a movie romance-comedy anything else you want to watch? Write in the comments column, yes!

Also read articles about Film or other interesting articles from Fanandi Ratriansyah.

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