Tech Hack

how to create a new location on instagram, is it still possible?

How to add a location on Instagram, is it still possible? Instead of wondering, let's follow the guide on how to create a location on Instagram below!

How to make a location on Instagram is still being sought in 2020, considering that it's not that easy if we post vacation photos on Instagram but don't accompany the location where we are on vacation. Your friends will be less relate with what you posted.

The goal is definitely to let your friends know where the location is when you pick it up cool and best profile photo that you upload, and later they can also come to the place where you took the photo for the post.

However, there are times when the location you want to add to your post isn't on Instagram, and unfortunately, now Instagram has removed the feature for add location Manually.

How to Create a Location on Instagram

If you're so adamant about adding a location on Instagram, there's a how to add a new location on Instagram You know, using features that you might not have thought of before.

The method is also very easy, just need Facebook app as a medium to add to the location and new places that you crave can be added immediately. Doesn't take long!

Why use the app Facebook? Unless you live in the mountains, surely you know that Instagram was acquired by Facebook a few years ago and they are like brother and sister today.

Now Facebook and Instagram services are integrated. Therefore, even though how to add a location on Instagram is no longer possible, there are still gaps that you can take advantage of on Facebook.

How to Add Location on Instagram

There are a few steps you need to follow in order to add a new place on Instagram, and to do that you'll need the Facebook app.

Even though it's fairly easy, you have to do this in order to make it successful.

Without further ado, here are the steps you must follow to add a new location on Instagram via your Facebook account. If you don't know how, read the article How to Create a Facebook Account which Jaka has written.

Well, here's how to add a new location on Instagram via the Facebook app:

  1. Open the Facebook application on your cellphone and create a new status.

  2. choose Check In or Stop by at the bottom of the page to add a status.

  1. Type the name of the place you want to add to the Instagram post, then select Add New Place.
  1. Select the category of the place you want to create. You can choose between Home, Restaurant, Event, or just for fun.
  1. Now it's time to add location details by entering the address, zip code and city of the place you want to add to Instagram.
  1. If you have, then create the location and try to add the location in Instagram post you.

This way how to add a location on IG is complete, and you can access this location at another time, when you want to use it again.

How to Add Location on IG (UPDATE 2020)

Facebook as the company that oversees Instagram always updating to improve the services they provide, including in small things such as adding locations.

This is done to ensure that all users of this social media platform are protected and feel comfortable when accessing the services provided.

Therefore, in 2020, how to create a location on Instagram can no longer be used. Reason safety and accuracy made Facebook take a step like this.

Although the addition of this location is only used as a medium for playing games, for the sake of avoiding ambiguity Instagram hidden features and Facebook, this feature can no longer be used by just anyone.

For those of you who want to add a location to the post you made, you don't want to have to choose a location real closest to your current location.

Well, that's Jaka's search in discussing how to create a location on IG in 2020. Although this method can no longer be used at this time, a new update might bring it back.

Therefore, don't forget to always watch Jaka's articles so that you always get the most information up to date about new technology and its development.

Hopefully the information that ApkVenue shares this time can be useful for all of you, and see you again in the next interesting articles.

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