
don't play! These 5 games with the toughest specifications can make a battered PC explode!

From year to year, every developer always tries to make the best game in its class. Not only the best in terms of gameplay and features, but also in terms of graphics.

From year to year, every developer always trying to make games best in class. Not only the best in terms of gameplay and features, but also in terms of graphics. However, this kind of thing of course has high consequences. Games with high graphics quality or so-called games AAA It is certain that it requires high specifications as well.

Not infrequently the specifications mentioned are no longer rational, especially for gamer with specifications hardware minimal. On that basis, this time Jaka will share information about 5 Games With the Toughest Specs That Can Make Your PC Need to Explode! Curious? Let's see right away.

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5 Games With the Toughest Specs That Can Make Your PC Explode!

1. Star Citizen

Even though it hasn't been officially released yet games developed by Cloud Empire Games it requires a monster PC rig to run comfortably. Needed 8GB RAM with a minimum of Core i3 or i5 (6th generation) processor and a minimum GTX 1000 series GPU to be able to play games this. However, request hardware this is not the final decision, considering open world games space-based is not yet fully completed. It could be when the final release later, Star Citizen require much higher specifications.

2. Quantum Break

Quantum Break be one games by request hardware that's crazy. Just imagine, to be able to play it smoothly, you need a PC with a processor Core-i7, 16 GB RAM and GPU at least GTX 970Ti. Grateful again, cutscene in the games this can only bestreaming in 4K resolution. It means, games which was developed by Remedy Games not only drains PC performance but also internet connection.

3. Final Fantasy XV

Same as Star Citizen, Final Fantasy XV also not yet released for the PC version. This game is only available for PS4 and Xbox One. Even so, the minimum specifications needed to run games this is very surprising. FFXV requires at least a PC with Core i5 processor, 8GB RAM, and GPU GTX760. It is reported that the PC version of the game made by Square Enix will have better graphics quality than the console version. For those of you who want to play games Now, the opportunity for pre-orders is now open at link this.

4. Hitman

Not only GPUs with high amounts of VRAM, processors with clock A high level is also needed to be able to run Hitman comfortably at its best quality. Games built with Glacier Engine 2 it requires at least GTX 1060 GPU and Intel or AMD processor with 8 cores or more. If you already have the specifications as mentioned earlier, then you can be sure that Hitman can run smoothly on your PC with ultra set, 60 FPS and 1080p resolution.

5. Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberbunk 2077 made using Redengine 3 (engine the same for The Witcher 3) which has beenupgrade and is open world games An RPG that can be played from either an FPS or TPS perspective. This game is expected to be released in 2019 and so far it has taken 6 years of development. At the same time, CD Projekt Red as developer also threw the specifications of this game to the public. Cyberpunk 2077 is expected to require 16 GB RAM and minimum GTX 980 . GPU or equivalent.

That was the information about 5 Games With the Toughest Specs That Can Make a PC Need to Explode! Please note, that the above specification request is for experience gaming more comprehensive, namely 60 fps, ultra set and 1080p resolution. Hope it is useful!

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