
annoyed with the behavior of youtubers? this is how to block the channel!

Have you ever felt annoyed with the behavior of YouTubers? Most of you must be very annoyed with Young Lex and Awkarin because their behavior on YouTube is not compatible with eastern culture in Indonesia.

In this digital era, who doesn't know YouTube? In fact, we often hear the term YouTuber in our ears. Departing from this theme, Jaka wants to provide the best solution for YouTube lovers.

Have you ever felt annoyed with the behavior of YouTubers? Most of you must be very annoyed with Young Lex and Awkarin because their behavior on YouTube is not compatible with eastern culture in Indonesia. So, here's how to...block channel they!

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Upset with YouTubers' behavior? This is how to block the channel!

In order toblock channel YouTube, you are required to take a few steps first, okay? brader. Please read these steps below.

Steps To Block YouTube Channel on Chrome PC!

  • search channel YouTube or YouTube users who like to comment on feed your videos. Then, select About and click on flag option.
  • From there, you just click Block users.
  • When it appears pop-up, you choose Submit. Finished.

Steps To Block YouTube Channel on Android and iPhone!

  • Open the YouTube app on Android or iPhone and search for who you want block.

Photo source: Photo: Beebom

  • When finished, you select the three-dot option at the top right, and select Block users, and again select Block.

Photo source: Photo: Beebom

Method block channel Easy YouTube isn't it? Don't forget to read articles about YouTube and other interesting articles from Jofinno Herian. Share your opinion!

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