
40 funniest funny anime pictures| make you laugh yourself!

Anime often displays silliness that makes us laugh. ApkVenue has collected 40 funny anime pictures that will definitely make you laugh!

Laugh is a human need. You can imagine if we live without humor, how empty life is.

One of the media that makes us laugh a lot is anime, either because of the funny characters or because of the effects that make us laugh.

Jaka has collected 40 cute anime pictures from various sources that can make you laugh!

Cute Anime Pictures

Can you name the comedy anime that makes you laugh the most? Jaka has here some funny pictures from famous anime, start My Hero Academia until One Punch Man.

1. Damn, how come the Powerpuff Girls are so strong

2. Gintoki and his friends are known to be really funny!

3. Being able to laugh with special people is indeed a happy moment

4. Your cat's expression when caught stealing fish

5. I hate when other people laugh at us, they laugh cynically again!

6. Here's a five year old boy, why does his face look like uncle?

7. Even though when you're cheerful, you're really funny, it makes you happy!

8. What are people laughing at?

9. Really, this trio from the Gintama anime is the best at churning people's stomachs

10. Ah Kobo-chan from my childhood, thank you for making me laugh in the past

Cute and Cool Anime Pictures

Who says cute guys can't be cool? On the other hand, cool guys can be funny too. The pictures below are proof of that!

1. While you were eating you got the news that there was a massive Flash Sale

2. Your surprised expression when your ***** collection is found by your boyfriend

3. You must have friends who act silly like this, right?

4. Kenshin Himura can't just have a silly expression

5. Expression when you forget to delete history from your browser

6. Why do you put on the poses of Indonesian band singers?

7. When Jack Sparrow took control of Luffy's ship

8. Shocked together

9. Are you, are you, are you, who are you?

10. And among them all, Saitama is the coolest!

Cute and Beautiful Anime Pictures

Cute girl? Great! Beautiful girl? Extraordinary! What about cute and beautiful girls? Incredibly solid!

1. Want to laugh but afraid of sin

2. It's really cute! The funny thing is that it can't be measured like this!

3. I'm Batman

4. If the base is already beautiful, you want to be photographed, no matter what, you are still beautiful

5. Even if you frown, you still look beautiful

6. Neng, why is it blank? Hello, sis, fascinated by my good looks huh?

7. When you're at home and don't know what to do

8. Well, this is the legendary wallpaper from Windows XP!

9. Deck, what are you doing? Make a grave for your dead brother!

10. A cute girl who is scared is really cute, isn't it?

Romantic Cute Anime Pictures

Even in a romantic relationship, a lot of funny things can happen as the pictures below show. If you want to see other romantic anime pictures, just open the article below!


1. Let's admit, besides me, which of you is still single?

2. Who doesn't love this cute little sister (wait, where's the romance? It's her parents standing behind her)

3. Eh, this isn't really a couple, but that's okay

4. When your boyfriend is curious who you are chatting with

5. When you really like your girl

6. Romance is not just holding hands, it can also be kicks like this!

7. Wow, even his mouth can be surprised!

8. When you are talking about your girlfriend but no one wants to listen

9. You're the one who's a bit sensitive, bro!

10. Do you have the heart to let me get rained on like this! Too you bro, too!

What do you think, gang, funny isn't it? Expressions Overreacting as shown by the anime character, we certainly cannot imitate in the real world. We can only enjoy it and laugh at it.

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