google chrome

an easy way to change the google chrome theme at will, 100% free!

For those of you who are bored with the appearance of Google Chrome, you can try these tips to change your theme.

You are bored with the look Google Chrome you? Want to change the Google Chrome theme but don't know how to do it?

Don't be sad, guys! Jaka will help you on this one.

If you are confused how how to change theme in Google Chrome to your heart's content, Jaka has the tips!

Come on, read carefully and try these tips right now!

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Easy Ways to Change Themes at will on Google Chrome

You can easily change the theme in Google Chrome to your liking.

The method is quite easy and 100% works!

1. Open the ThemeBeta site on your Google Chrome.

2. Upload photos, set toolbar colors, image positions, and others as you wish.

3. When finished, select the tab Pack. choose Pack and Install, if you want to use it right away.

4. After you choose one from the menu Pack, then you will automatically download the theme file that you created earlier. choose Continue to directly install your theme.

5. choose Add Theme to apply the new theme.

6. Finished! Now your Google Chrome theme is new and can be changed at any time.

That's easy way to change theme at will in your Google Chrome.

I've tried it, you know. guys! When did you try these tips?

Jaka himself really likes to change Google Chrome themes so he doesn't get bored.

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