
Shhh, here's how to hack a girlfriend's android without root!

For example, you can use how to tap your girlfriend's Android, to calls that go to her Android. Are you curious about how to tap this Android?

Often feel suspicious and curious about the activities your boyfriend does through his Android smartphone? If yes, this time JalanTikus will provide tutorials for point your girlfriend, which is how to tap your boyfriend's Android without the need for access root. Do you want to know how?

Different way hack an evil smartphone, how to tap an Android smartphone is useful for finding out who is sending SMS, BBM, WhatsApp and others. For example, you can use how to tap your girlfriend's Android, to calls that go to her Android. Are you curious about how to tap this Android?

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How to Hack Android Boyfriend Without Root

No need to bother rooting Android to tap people's smartphones. With this tutorial on how to hack girlfriend's smartphone without root access, your boyfriend can't hide anything from you! Follow the steps below!

Install AirDroid

To start spying on your girlfriend's Android, all you have to do is install the AirDroid application on her boyfriend's smartphone first. Then please register new account or use the old account if you have a previous AirDroid account.

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Next, don't forget to install AirdDroid Desktop also on your PC or laptop. And log in use the same account used on AirDroid on your boyfriend's Android.

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Well, the preparations are complete. Proceed to the next stage.

Enable Mirror Notifications On AirDroid

The AirDroid feature that we will use to tap the girlfriend's Android is the Mirror Notifications. It enables incoming notifications to Android will appear on your desktop AirDroid connected to the same account.

To activate the Mirror Notifications feature on AirDroid, you must give AirDroid access to notifications on your girlfriend's Android. How, go to Settings > Notifications > Notification Access. Check the AirDroid Notification Mirror. Finished.

The next step,

Install Hola Launcher on Your Girlfriend's Android

If the AirDroid setup stage is complete, then install it Hola Launcher on your girlfriend's Android. When asked why Hola Launcher, just say that Hola Launcher is light and easy to customize! Guaranteed not to suspect.

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Keep in mind, one of the interesting features of Hola Launcher is the ability to hide apps, and lock them. So, as soon as you install Hola Launcher, please hide the AirDroid application that is installed on your girlfriend's Android. Or you can use another app to hide the AirDroid.

Wiretapping Begins!

If all the preparations have been completed, now you can tap your girlfriend's Android. You can find out the contents chat and call anyone who logs into your boyfriend's Android. As long as your boyfriend's Android connected to the internet, you can continue to check notifications that come into your boyfriend's Android via your AirDroid Desktop. Or you can also use the web //

Later, you will know all the activities. For example, many times unlock locks, who's incoming BBM, who's incoming WhatsApp, SMS, email, browser activity to phone calls. Apps like WhatsApp you can even reply via AirDroid Desktop when a notification comes in. Cool, right?

Oh yes, you can also access the files on your girlfriend's Android. Not just files, you can even activate camera girlfriend remotely without your boyfriend knowing. Interestingly, your boyfriend will not know that his camera application is being used. So, you can tell if he's really home or not by peek at the location from the camera.

So, how do you know how to tap your boyfriend's Android? And now you also know how to use AirDroid? The application that was originally used to make it easier for you to connect between Android smartphone devices and PCs can actually be used as an application Android tapping app.

Good luck!

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