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watch the moon sinking in your face (2019) full movie

Want to watch a film based on a best-selling novel? Come on, watch Rembulan Sinking in Your Face (2019) full movie here, guaranteed to be good!

Do you have many questions about your life? Usually, these questions will appear before bed.

If you are that type of person, ApkVenue advises you to watch a movie called The moon is sinking in your face this one.

Guaranteed, you will think a lot philosophically after watching this latest Indonesian film. What is the synopsis and interesting facts of this film?

Synopsis of the Moon Sinking in Your Face

Photo source: YouTube

Ray (Arifin Putra) is a 60-year-old owner of a giant property company.

He has gone through many things that made him able to enjoy wealth as well as become a respected and respected person.

Only, Ray was dying alone and empty. He was already on the verge of life and death. At that moment, a person with a shady face appeared.

He invites Ray to return to his life and dark past in order to answer the five questions he once shouted to God.

Even though he didn't know the man, Ray complied. Through this journey, these five questions were finally answered one by one.

Interesting Facts about the Movie The Moon Drowning in Your Face

Photo source: Daily Aceh

Just like many other Indonesian films, the film Rembulan Tenggelam in your face also has many interesting facts. Anything?

  • This film is based on a novel best seller work Tere Liye same title.

  • Tere Liye's novels have been made into films. Previously existed Memorizing Delisa Prayers, May God love you, and Angels of heaven.

  • If you are a fan of isekai anime, you might consider this film to be an isekai film because the main character goes on a spiritual journey to various times.

  • Production house Max Pictures famous for often adapting novels into films. Previously existed Dylan, 99 lights in the European sky, until Assalamualaikum Beijing.

  • Anya Geraldine admitted that he was afraid of being bullied by netizens for playing an important character in this film.

Watch the movie The moon sinks in your face

TitleThe moon is sinking in your face
Show12 December 2019
Duration1 hour 30 minutes
ProductionMax Pictures
DirectorDanial Rifki
CastAriyo Wahab, Ari Irham, Arifin Putra, et al

Because it raises universal themes about life's questions, maybe this film will help you find answers to questions that have been on your mind.

Throughout the film, you will feel like listening to a fairy tale that will make you feel like a child listening to their parents' stories.

If you want to watch this one movie, just click on the link below, gang!

>>>Nonton Film Rembulan Sinking in Your Face (2019)<<<

That was the synopsis and interesting facts about the film The moon is sinking in your face. The visuals of this film may feel a little dark even though it's not depressing.

Any other drama films you want to watch? Write in the comments column, yes!

Also read articles about Film or other interesting articles from Fanandi Ratriansyah.

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