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9 tips for taking selfies together to capture Eid moments

So that the results are photogenic and memorable, here are some tips for taking good and cool selfies!

Eid it is a very special moment. Because you can gather with extended family and meet old friends.

Of course, this precious moment must be immortalized. If you use the rear camera, there must be something that is sacrificed, so it's not complete. Because the one who took the photo, didn't take the photo.

Yes, the solution is photos selfie festive. Another term for group selfie or wefie. So that the results are photogenic and memorable in the heart, here are tips for taking photos selfie nice and cool crowd.

Selfie Photo Tips To Capture Eid Moments

Meeting relatives, especially those in the village, is certainly a rare moment that deserves to be immortalized.

Fortunately, smartphone manufacturers have equipped their devices with the best camera quality.

Reported from various sources and Jaka's own experience, here are tips for getting photos group selfie best!

1. Find the Best Place with Sufficient Lighting

First, don't come selfie in any place. Just look around you where if it's okay and spacious so it's not overcrowded.

Of course, so that the photos are good, make sure the lighting is bright enough. Stand facing the light for maximum results, not back to it.

Make sure the light is natural light from the sun. The light from the lamp flash smartphone will only produce unsatisfactory photos.

2. Use Smartphone Selfie Camera

The location is good, continue to take photos using the usual front camera? The result is definitely not okay.

Well, you have to take a photo selfie with a smartphone that has a large front camera. There are many, really, smartphones designed specifically for selfies.

3. Adjust Camera Settings First, Use the Right Mode

Because selfie busy, it doesn't seem like it's suitable for using beauty mode. Instead use mode Panoramic selfie or similar modes that allow the camera to take a wide angle of view.

So, everyone can enter and there is no need to jostle. You can also set the camera aspect ratio at 16:9 and use HDR mode if needed.

One that is no less important is regulation angle camera, gang? Make sure you place the smartphone at the right angle so that the resulting image is more stable!

Other Tips . . .

4. Pay attention to clear poses, expressions, and cues

Well, everyone has gathered, try to adjust the position so that it fits better viewfinder camera.

Then, create a unique pose, the expression must also match, and the signal must be clear. If everything is ready, the wefie photos are also good.

Not just once, take as many selfies as possible. With various poses, with various expressions, feel free to make silly poses and expressions.

5. Choose the Best, Edit A Little, Then Share to Social Media

When taking a photo, immediately take several photos at once so you can choose which one is the best. Remember, don't take what you just look good, but the other one blur!

After meeting some of the most photogenic, polish it up first with a photo editing app. Also choose the filter that best suits the photos, then share it on social media.

6. Choose a Good Photo Background

Photo source: International TEFL Academy

Election background the right one is no less important, gang, in determining whether a photo is good or not selfie together.

Especially if you use a camera that already has a lens wide angle, you can get photos wefie which really helpful!

Now there are many choices of wide-angle HP at low prices on the market! Not bad, the photos will be even better if all your cousins ​​can take photos in frame with!

7. Use Tongsis

Photo source: Good House Keeping

No matter how long the hand we have, of course it has limitations that make not everyone able to get into the camera's range.

Therefore, a technology called selfie stick or often abbreviated as selfie stick. With this stick, you can do selfie with a larger number of people.

If the tongsis can't accommodate all your family members, you can use drones, gang!

8. Make sure to look at the camera

Photo source: International TEFL Academy

One of the problems that occurs when taking photos selfie is our eyes looking at the screen. In fact, we should be looking at the camera.

Of course the results will be funny, right? While others are directly facing the camera, your eyes are tilted by themselves because they are looking at the smartphone screen.

9. Use Selfie Apps

On Android and iOS, there are already many applications selfie that will make the experience selfieYou're getting more and more satisfying, gang.

Some provide many filter options, some can add to our good looks and beauty, to cute sticker choices.

Those are tips for taking photos selfie together, to capture your precious Eid moments.

Oh yes, one more important thing. Make sure, when taking photos, your eyes focus on the front camera. Let your eyes don't look anywhere. Good luck!

Also read articles about selfie or writing from Lukman Azis other.

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