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7 films with the theme of going home, make you miss your family & hometown!

Eid is in sight. One of the things you can do to brighten it up is to watch movies. Here are some films with the theme of going home, matching the nuances of this Eid!

Who misses their hometown so much?

For nomads, the Lebaran season is not complete without going home or going home. This is natural, considering our hometown will not be forgotten.

All kinds of memories are there, good and bad. Family and childhood friends will also meet each other to release longing and jokes.

Unfortunately, some may not be able to go home this year for various reasons. Starting from work, financial conditions, or disasters such as Covid-19 pandemic.

To treat your homesickness, Jaka will give 7 films with the theme of going home which can be watched at any time, especially during this Eid.

Curious what the title of the film is? Instead of lingering, let's look at the following reviews!

Homecoming Themed Movies

1. Last Train Home (2009)

The film, which was released in 2009, tells the story of a family in China who is willing to move to a big city for a decent life.

While in the city, they live quite apprehensively. Starting from mediocre money to living in a simple house.

Thanks to their frugal and economical living, right on the Lunar New Year homecoming season, they were able to return home and meet their child.

One of the best inspirational films, it teaches the audience about a life that continues to struggle endlessly. Later, the hard work that has been done will get sweet results.

2. 3 Days Forever (2007)

It turns out that Indonesia also has a film with the theme of going home. One of them is a film called 3 Days Forever.

This film tells the story of two brothers who are awkward with each other. In the story, they decided to make a long trip from Jakarta to Jogja for going home.

During that trip, they were able to open up to each other and get to know each other.

Acting movie Nicholas Saputra and Adinia Wirasti it teaches the importance of honesty and openness, even with one's own brothers and sisters.

3. The Judge (2014)

The next film about going home is titled The Judge. One of the best Robert Downey Jr. movies. This story is about a child who misses his parents very much.

Hank Palmer, played by Robert Downey Jr. The story is told that he is wandering out of town and has an unfamiliar relationship with his father, Joseph Palmer (Robert Duvall).

The film, which was released in 2014, teaches a lot of family values. Hank finally realized that his father had a very big role in him until now.

Until finally, he decided to go home in order to spend time with his father.

4. American Reunion (2012)

Who doesn't know American Pie? Well, this film about teenage acquaintances has a sequel called American Reunion.

Released in 2012, American Reunion tells the story of a reunion held by student figures in their hometown.

Later, you will find lots of scenes that remind you of your school days. Starting from pranks, silly scenes, bullying, and so on.

But remember! This film can only be watched by those of you who are 18 years and over, yes!

5. Almanya: Welcome to Germany (2011)

The film, which was released in 2011, tells the story of a small family from Turkey who moves to Germany to improve their fate.

Over time, this family proliferated and became a big family on German soil. One day, the father wanted to introduce Turkey to all his extended family, especially the grandson.

Finally, they traveled all the way to Turkey. During this journey, they experience many unexpected events that further strengthen the emotional bond between family members.

This best family film teaches cultural values ​​and harmony that is very thick, suitable to be watched during the Lebaran season, either alone or with family.

6. Lebaran Homecoming (2011)

In addition to the film 3 Days Forever, Indonesia also has another homecoming-themed film entitled Lebaran. Even though it has been released since 2011, this film is still relevant to watch now, gang.

This film tells the story of Gunadi's struggle to find work after 3 years of being unemployed in the capital. His life got even more complicated when his father told him to return home to marry Lestari, who had been waiting for him for 3 years.

In another story, there is the figure of Martono, who is in a big dilemma because his wife asked him to celebrate Lebaran in his hometown, while the capital project is being very tempting to do.

This film teaches about real life which is hard and uncertain, but thanks to persistence and uninterrupted work, there must be a perfect solution.

7. The Kite Runner (2007)

Islamic themed Hollywood movies This story tells of the journey of 2 friends named Amir and Hassan who make up for each other's past sins.

Amir, who was already an established writer in America, was suddenly asked by Hassan's father to return to Pakistan.

Through a series of flashback scenes, he reminisced about all the past events with Hassan. At the end of the story, he discovers various surprising facts, one of which is about Hassan's current fate.

This film teaches a lot of positive religious values, very suitable for you to watch this Lebaran season.

Those were 7 films with the theme of going home, gang. So you miss your hometown even more, right?

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