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7 cool underrated superhero movies, not inferior to MCU!

Although the superhero genre is now dominated by Marvel and DC, it turns out that there are many superhero films that are no less cool.

Superhero-themed action films have grown rapidly in the last 10 years. The genre that used to be the subject of harsh criticism has now become the biggest producer of films.

Marvel's dominance in the superhero genre has not been touched, even by its biggest rival, the DC Universe. A neatly arranged plot with stunning CGI effects makes Marvel a new standard for this type of film.

Behind the success of Marvel or DC, it turns out that there are many cool superhero films that don't get the same treatment and appreciation.

7 Cool Superhero Movies That Are Under Appreciated

In this article, ApkVenue will discuss some cool superhero films which are unfortunately covered by the fame of superhero films from the biggest production house.

The following films have quite a theme anti-mainstream, not like many superhero movies today which cheesy but overhype.

Curious about the films that Jaka meant? If so, keep reading Jaka's article below, gang!

1. Hellboy (2004)

Hellboy is a superhero film directed by Guillermo Del Toro. Based on the comic released by Dark Horse, Hellboy has an unusual story.

As the name implies, Hellboy is literally a demon child who came from hell. However, he has a mission to hunt down the demons that roam the earth.

Hellboy was quite successful at the box office, it's just that it didn't shine as much because of the less common story. Despite being rebooted, the original film was still more successful.

Rating: 6.8/10 (IMDb) & 81% (Rotten Tomatoes)

2. Hancock (2008)

Hancock is a superhero film starring Will Smith. In this film, Will plays the role of a drunken superhero who is cocky.

In order to restore his bad reputation, Hancock hired the services of a public relations consultant. However, it actually opens his memory about the past.

If you want to find an unusual superhero movie, try watching this movie. You will definitely be surprised by the strange behavior of superheroes.

Rating: 6.4/10 (IMDb) & 41% (Rotten Tomatoes)

3. Power Rangers (2007)

Those of you who were born in the early '90s must be very familiar with Power Rangers? Yup, costumed teen heroes and megazordhe became an icon of this franchise.

In rebootIn this, you will be re-introduced with Power Rangers figures with a new perspective. Instead of a children's film, this film has a target audience of teenagers and adults.

Seasoned with the problems of today's youth and friendship, Power Rangers is perfect for you to watch to just reminisce with your childhood.

Rating: 5.9/10 (IMDb) & 44% (Rotten Tomatoes)

4. Chronicle (2012)

Chronicle is a genre film found footage which has a superhero theme. Tells the story of 3 teenagers who suddenly get super powers after finding an alien object in the forest.

At first, they use their superpowers to have fun and do what they want. However, one of them instead uses his power to take revenge.

Andrew's bad childhood, as well as his father's abusive treatment of him makes Andrew plan to take revenge with his power on all those who have hurt him.

Rating: 7/10 (IMDb) & 85% (Rotten Tomatoes)

5. Unbreakable (2000)

Before there was the term cinematic universe in the world of cinema, Unbreakable became the first film to introduce this term by releasing 2 sequels, namely Split and Glass released decades later.

Tells the story of a security guard who survived a fatal accident where only he himself managed to survive, even without any injuries.

His life changes when he meets a comic shop owner who convinces him that he is a superhero. The ending of this film is unpredictable and really cool!

Rating: 7.3/10 (IMDb) & 70% (Rotten Tomatoes)

6. Defenders (2009)

defender is a superhero film with a dark comedy genre, starring Woody Harrelson and Kat Dennings.

This film tells the story of a man who believes that he is a superhero because of the comic influence that his grandfather gave him.

Although good, unfortunately this film was released in a limited way. Even though Woody Harrelson's acting in this film is really good and able to bring the character to life well.

Rating: 6.8/10 (IMDb) & 74% (Rotten Tomatoes)

7. Mystery Men (1999)

Like Hellboy, Mystery Men also lifted from a story in a comic made by Dark Horse. This superhero film has a comedy genre so it's fun to watch when you're late.

The story begins with a man who is obsessed with becoming a superhero even though he doesn't have any powers. However, he fights with all his heart to secure the city he loves.

Once upon a time, the city's superheroes were kidnapped by criminals. He and his six superhero friends without superpowers try to save him with minimal abilities and equipment.

Rating: 6.1/10 (IMDb) & 61% (Rotten Tomatoes)

That's Jaka's article about 7 cool superhero films that unfortunately are not appreciated by many people. Even though the quality is not much different, you know, with the MCU.

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