Tech Hack

5 ways to get the latest xl free quota 2020

You have to try how to get free XL quota if you want to surf as much as you want! Check out how to hack XL's free quota here!

Those of you who use this provider need to know how to get free XL quota and don't want to spend money to buy a data package.

XL always offers satisfactory service to its customers. Not to mention, the price of XL internet packages is relatively cheap so that it can be reached by people from all walks of life.

However, there are times when we run out of internet quota on old dates. Want to buy a new quota? No money. Want to wait until payday? Where's the time, it's too late.

Just calm down! Jaka will tell how to get free quota XL 2020. This method is guaranteed valid, works 100%, and without apps that harm your smartphone. Curious?

How to Get the Latest XL Axiata Quota 2020

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Have you ever, when you're busy playing the best online games, suddenly stops because the quota runs out? It must be really annoying!

It's even more annoying if your quota runs out right on the old date, where you haven't been paid your paycheck and have to allocate the rest of your money for other more important things.

Then, how are you? how to get free quota XL 2020? Well, it just so happens that XL Axiata with its fast 4G LTE network is distributing lots of freebies in 2020.

In particular, this is due to Covid-19 pandemic which hit almost all sectors of the economy.

For this reason, XL Axiata is committed to helping meet the community's internet needs through various free quota promos. Then, how to get it?

How to Get Free XL Quota 2 GB/Day

This one method will make you get a quota of 2GB per day for free to access Teacher's room, Udemy, Zenius, your school, Smart Class, University Education Center, until Microsoft 365.

The provision of this free quota is a form of XL Axiata's support so that students and students can continue to study from home while opening the best online learning applications or e-learning. So there's no reason to be lazy to study!

So that you can follow the Government's advice to study at home, see the guide that Jaka provides below!

  1. Download and install the app myXL which Jaka has given above. Then, open the app.

  2. In the Menu column, tapSearch Packages.

  1. Tap the top option is #CanAtHome.
  1. Scroll until you find the menu tab Lots of Bonuses.

  2. On this menu tab you select the package Bonus Quota 2GB/day 7 days. Then, press the button Activate.

Finished! That's the guide to getting a free XL package specifically for an education package without credit. Very easy, right?

How to Get Free XL Quota from Kemendikbud

In addition to the 2GB/day quota, in the same menu as above, you can also get free quota from Kemendikbud after registering the XL number with the school or university.

The Ministry of Education and Culture's study quota consists of 20GB/month for early childhood, 35GB/month for students, 42GB/month for teachers, and 50GB/month for students or lecturers.

Interestingly, XL Axiata will also provide additional quota for XL numbers that have been registered with educational institutions, you know!

Later, you can pay enough Rp1,- just to get additional quota 55GB which is divided into main quota 15GB and 15GB chat quota. Pretty good, right?

How to Get XL 30GB Free Quota

Next, Jaka will explain how to get free XL quota without an application and credit. Well, you can, right? You can, please!

Unfortunately, this free quota only applies to new customer who activates the XL starter pack starting on 27 August 2020, gang.

After activating your XL card, you can get XL 30GB free quota. Curious? Check out the steps below, OK!

  1. Open the Phone menu on the HP. After that, type the number *123*100# and send using an activated XL number.
  1. Wait a while and you will immediately get a free XL 30GB quota which is divided into 15GB quota XTRA Education and 15GB XTRA Conference quota.

Unfortunately, the XTRA Conference quota cannot be changed to a regular quota. This means that you can only use the quota according to the applicable conditions.

How to Get Unlimited Free XL Quota

In addition to the education quota, Jaka will also tell you how to get a special XL 4G LTE free quota YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, LINE, even up to Gojek!

To get XL 240GB free quota, you must activate the internet package 11GB, 21GB, and 31GB. You also have to spend the quota first.

After it runs out, you will be allowed to get XL quota for free unlimited. Including how to get free XL Youtube quota.

Then, how to get free XL quota without additional applications and only through the myXL application? Read more below, yes!

  1. Download and install the app myXL then open the application.

  2. In the Menu column, tap Search Packages.

  1. Tap the bottom option is Xtra Unlimited Turbo & Xtra Quota.
  1. Scroll to the very end of the tab, where you will find menu options XTRA Unlimited Turbo.

  2. Underneath, you will see packages XTRA Unlimited Turbo Super from XTRA Combo Lite.

  3. Tap Activate.

Finished! That's how to get unlimited free packages from XL Axiata. Apart from going through this guide, there are still lots of ways to get unlimited free internet, you know!

How to Get Another Free XL Quota

In addition to the free internet quota packages from XL Axiata above, it turns out that there are still several free packages that you must enjoy, you know!

Well, how to get the next XL free package, you can try by following the steps below, gang!

  1. Download and install the app myXL and open the app.

  2. In the Menu column, tap Search Packages.

  1. Tap the bottom option is Xtra Unlimited Turbo & Xtra Quota. Later you will enter several new menu options.
  1. Scroll until you find the menu tab XTRA Quota Zero.

  2. Here, you can get various free XL quotas, starting from Tokopedia, Smule, Google Duo, there is even AOV too, lol!

Finished! Please choose the one that is your favourite. That's how to get free quota on myXL. Enjoy!

That's the explanation of how to get free quota XL 2020. Jaka reminds you, the guidelines above may change in line with XL Axiata's policies.

Therefore, keep updating the progress by reading this article so you don't miss the opportunity to get free XL quota. Good luck!

Also read articles about Quota or other interesting articles from Diptya.

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