
how to hack passwords to steal internet user data

Password is the most valuable treasure for internet users. Don't get stolen by hackers. To be even more secure, let's get to know the hack method that these hackers usually use!

Hackers so one of the threats that many internet users fear. Because hackers are known to be able to analyze, modify, break into computers and networks via the internet. Horrible, right? Our data can be stolen!

Although not all hackers are bad, there are many people who use their abilities to steal other people's passwords and data. So, let's identify how website hackers steal passwords!

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How to Hack Websites Steal Your Password

If other people know your account password, your history is over. How not, in your account there must be a lot of personal data, right? So create a strong password.

So that you are more vigilant, let's identify how to hack passwords commonly used by the following hackers!

1. Dictionary Attack

This method is known to be fast and able to open any strong password coincidentally. Why coincidence? Because this method will guess various combinations of passwords created using the "Password Dictionary" that many people use. If your password is too general, change it immediately to be safe from this password hacking method.

2. Brute Force

As the name implies, users of the Brute Force method will force the machine to enter all possible combinations of numbers, letters, to special characters. The trouble is, this method will definitely involve all the passwords in Dictionary Attack as well.

But even though it sounds scary, this way of hacking passwords is also quite difficult for hackers to use. Because they take a long time to try all the character combinations. The longer the password, for example 16 characters with complicated combinations, it can take a long time for the hacker.


3. Phishing

Phishing is a method of stealing passwords by hackers by spreading "tricks" in the form of emails or links on behalf of organizations or authorities to collect email information, passwords, user IDs, and other personal information. Be careful if you get an email or link too good too be true; such as promos or strange lure.


4. Rainbow Table

The way website hackers steal passwords by hackers on this one is usually used to penetrate passwords encrypted by hackers hash. This encrypted password is difficult to crack because plaintexthas been changed to the form hash the long one.

In order to penetrate it, the Rainbow Table used hash function and reduction function. Function hash will change plaintext so hash, while this reduction function does the opposite. How to hack this password is faster than Brute Force or Dictionary Attack.

5. Malware or Keylogger

Do not just open links or install applications carelessly, because they may contain malware that has been inserted by a keylogger. If it is infected, every user ID, email, and password you type will be recorded and sent by the Trojan in it.

6. Spidering

To steal the passwords of certain companies or institutions, hackers usually create a list of passwords that are more specific in terms of the related target. So no more wasting time using the Brute Force method that inputs passwords at random.

To be able to guess a specific password, hackers usually use Web Spider to visit websites, read pages and take note of various other important related information. For your information, Web Spider is a special program that is used to index content on the internet, as used by search engines.

Well, that's 6 ways to hack website passwords that are commonly used by hackers on the internet. By knowing how they steal our data and passwords, then we can be wiser to make the data we have even more secure.

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