Antivirus & Security

this is the danger of trojan virus and how to get rid of it

Various computer specifications for each field can be made as desired. But, that doesn't mean you won't run into problems, because the Trojan virus is still hanging around.

The use of computers in the modern era as it is today is indeed increasing. Various PC specifications for each field can be made according to your wishes. But, that doesn't mean you won't have problems, because Trojan virus still hanging around.

What is a Trojan virus? Trojans is computer security which refers to a form of suspicious software. It is also commonly called malicious software/malware, which can damage a system or network. So, how is this virus spread?

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This is the Danger of Trojan Virus and How to Get Rid of It

Usually, Trojan viruses can infect your computer through flash drive, hard drive, moment browsing, and install one software. This virus will also cause your computer to be slow (slow). Amazingly, the virus is able to steal data important.

Then, this virus can damage the operating system a PC device. That way, a Trojan is a virus that can affect the system on a computer. Then, how to remove it?

How to Remove and Avoid Trojan Virus

1. Never Open Attachments to Emails

In every use e-mail, there must be a lot of emails popping up, either in inbox or spam. Well, from these messages, not a few insert attachments. Usually, these files have the format .VBS, .EXE, .BAT, and so on. Therefore, if there is an incoming message in an unknown email, just silence it or delete the message.

2. Uninstall Terrible Programs

The next way is that you have to regularly check the programs on your computer. The reason is, if a Trojan attacks, it can be ascertained that there will be many programs installed without you knowing it. If so, delete and uninstall program that, because it will have a terrible impact brader.

3. Open Registry Editor

To open Registry Editor, then you have to run the program Run first or access it with the button Windows+R. Next, you will see HKEY_CURRENT_USER. This way, you can see what programs are suddenly installed without you knowing. If you are confused and feel the program is important, then just browse the name of the program. If it proves to be a Trojan, remove it immediately.

4. Update Antivirus and Antimalware

To remove and get rid of all kinds of Trojans, you can use anti Virus and anti-malware on your computer. One you can rely on is Comodo Internet Security. Or, you can read the article 5 Best and Free Computer Antivirus January 2016.

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5. Scan in Safe Mode

This last point, you must do if you are really fed up with the Trojan and immediately want to remove it. You can enter Safe Mode by pressing the button F8 when the new computer is turned on. Then, select Safe Mode and after that, do scan in this mode.

All of the above explains what a Trojan is and how to get rid of it and avoid it, quoted from TechViral. Hopefully, this article can be useful for you. Share your opinion in the comments column below.

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