
5 ways to extend the active period of xl, no hassle!

XL's active period is almost over but the quota and credit are still piling up? Don't worry, here's how to extend XL's active period so you can continue to enjoy all the remaining balances.

Every cellular phone operator certainly imposes an active period on the number used by its consumers within a certain period of time.

If the active period of the number is not extended, the number used will of course be forfeited and will not be able to be used again by consumers.

This also applies to XL operators who give the number an active period for a certain period of time. Then, how how to extend the active period of XL?

Here Jaka summarizes several ways to extend XL's active period so that you can continue to use your number along with the credit and quota in it. Listen, gang!

Practical Ways to Extend XL Active Period

You may often forget the grace period for the number you are using. For that, you should check the XL grace period first.

After that, you can immediately extend the active period of XL so that you can use your number more freely and don't suddenly find yourself in a grace period.

Here's how to extend or increase the active period of XL that you can do easily and quickly, gang.

1. Recharge Credit

Top up is the most basic way you can do to extend the active period of XL or other operators.

The active period you get depends on the amount of credit you buy. The bigger the nominal you buy, the longer the active period will be.

In addition, if you continue to top up your credit regularly, the active period will continue to increase, gang.

Credit AmountActive period
IDR 5,0007 days
IDR 10,00015 days
IDR 25,00035 days
IDR 50,00045 days
IDR 100,00090 days

2. Purchase the Active Period Package

You can also do how to extend the active period of your XL card by: buy an active period package. This method is perfect if you have a lot of credit but the grace period is almost here.

You can also adjust the active period you get according to your needs, starting from the active period of 3 days, 30 days, even up to 1 year.

The price is also of course adjusted to the active period package you choose. The longer the active period, the more expensive the price, gang.

- Step 1: Open the phone call menu, then type 1238484#.

- Step 2: After that, several options for the active period extension package will appear. Choose according to your needs or according to the amount of credit you have.

- Step 3: Enter the number according to your choice then click Send to extend the active period of XL.

- Step 4: Finished. After the package is successfully purchased, the active period will be automatically extended according to the selected package.

PriceActive period
Rp2,5003 days
IDR 5,0007 days
IDR 15,00030 days
IDR 35,00090 days
Rp110,000360 days

3. Purchase Internet, SMS, or Phone Packages

Want to save more? If so, you can use this method. You will extend the active period up to one month by paying only Rp. 10 thousand!

The way to extend XL's active period is actually to activate the XL internet package, which is priced at Rp. 25 thousand and is active for a month, gang.

This method is certainly more efficient than buying an active period package or topping up credit which only extends the active period for a few days.

- Step 1: Type *123# on the dial-up board. Choose option 4 for XTRACombo. Select again option 4 for XTRACombo again.

- Step 2: You will see internet package information. Type 1 to buy the package.

This package is also suitable for you to buy when your internet quota is running low. If you are not sure about the remaining quota, try checking your XL internet quota first.

In addition to these packages, you can also choose other types of packages such as XL phone and SMS package according to your needs and desires, gang.

4. Credit Transfer

Just like most cellular operators, XL also provides features for transfer credit to other XL card users.

By transferring XL credit, you will automatically extend XL's active period without topping up your credit.

Of course, the active period of the XL card obtained will vary because it is adjusted to the nominal credit transferred.

Credit transfers to fellow XL users can also be done with the UMB code or via SMS.

Credit Transfer Via UMB Code

- Step 1: Select the call menu and type *123# then "Call/OK". Select 7 for Info.

- Step 2: Select 2 for m-Toll, then select 2 for Share Credit.

-Step 3: Choose 4 to Share Credit. Enter the destination number and the amount of credit to be sent. Finally, press Send.

Credit Transfer Via SMS

- Step 1: Send SMS with the format: divide (space) the destination number (space) nominal. Then send to 168.

Credit TransferActive period
Rp1 - Rp2,9991 day
Rp3,000 - Rp9,9993 days
IDR 10,000 - IDR 14,9995 days
IDR 25,000 - IDR 49,99910 days
IDR 50,000 - IDR 99,99915 days
IDR 100,000 - IDR 300,00030 days
IDR 300,000 - IDR 1,000,00060 days

5. Transactions on myXL

To make it easier and more practical, you can make transactions via myXL app. This application makes it easy for you to buy credit, internet packages, to active period packages.

This application is available for Android and iOS smartphone users. Interestingly, myXL can be opened without a quota so you can still access it when the quota runs out.

Apart from this application, XL also provides a special myXL site that you can access when you want to extend your XL active period online.

Those were 5 ways to extend the active period of XL that you can do practically. In addition to getting an active period, you will also get credit and internet at the same time.

By increasing your XL active period, you don't have to worry about your quota or credit being forfeited because your number is entering the grace period, gang.

Also read articles about XL Axiata or other interesting articles from Tia Reisha.

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