Android Application

5 android applications most often installed by alay children

Millennials, aka kids nowadays, on average, already have their own smartphones. Even those who are still elementary school students already have social media and hobbies _upload-upload_ photos complete with alay status.

Millennials, aka kids nowadays, on average, already have their own smartphones. Even those who are still elementary school students already have social media and hobbies upload-upload complete photo with alay status. Not infrequently we find a lot of selfie photos with styles that make our eyes hurt and status with words that make us amused and nauseous. Usually it's upload selfie and status like that are alay children whose behavior is really tacky.

Speaking of pranksters, do you know which apps are installed with them the most? Well, it's just right, this time Jaka wants to talk about some application that alay children use to channel their kealayan. Want to know what applications? Check out the following review.

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5 Most Installed Android Applications by Alay Kids

1. Facebook

Photo source: Apps Social & Messaging Facebook, Inc. DOWNLOAD

The social media application that is definitely owned by alay children is Facebook. Compared to Twitter or Instagram, alay children play more on Facebook. Not infrequently we find long facebook account name, using alay writing to words that we do not understand how to read. Facebook is also a place for pranksters to share statuses and selfies which can sometimes be updated once a minute.

2. Tik Tok

Photo source: TikTok Apps Video & Audio TikTok Pte. Ltd. DOWNLOAD

Who doesn't know this popular application? Tik Tok is a short video social media platform powered by music. In this application, we can make short videos with music of our own choice, add effects and stickers on face and share it for more people to see.

Many alay children install this application and make various kinds of videos which sometimes can be seen Overreacting. If you use Tik Tok, you will surely find a lot of funny videos that are not funny but actually disgusting.

3. Camera 360

photo source: PINGUO Inc Photo & Imaging Apps DOWNLOAD

Since it first appeared, this one camera application is very popular and downloaded by many people. With Camera 360, someone with an ugly or mediocre face can be turned into a beautiful/handsome one with various effects and editing features provided. Faces with acne can also be shiny to look like Korean artists.

Well, because of this sophistication, Camera 360 is installed by many possible pranksters not confident the same as their real face. So, they use Camera 360 to take great photos and upload them to social media in various ways caption.

4. Blackberry Messenger (BBM)

Photo source: MarcellaPurnama BlackBerry Social & Messaging Apps DOWNLOAD

Although now BBM is not as popular as it used to be, but there are still many you know funny kids using apps chat this one. You must have seen on Facebook, they show off their BBM pins and ask to be invited. The name of the child's BBM account is usually alay hard to read and weird, not to mention his cute and funny-looking profile picture.

5. Smule

Photo source: Youtube Smule Browser Apps DOWNLOAD

This karaoke application is very popular and has beendownload more than 100 million times. Karaoke on Smule is really fun, so don't be surprised if many people use this application to channel their singing talent, even many artists use Smule, you know!

Unfortunately, in Smule there are also alay of children. This application is installed by many alay children who want to karaoke and play showing off their 'golden voice'. With shattered voices, lavish styles and jokes, they confidently share their karaoke results on Smule, even to the point ofupload to social media.

Well, that's him 5 Android Applications Most Often Installed by Alay Children. If you are also a user of these applications, you should just ignore the alay children who are scattered. Don't let yourself get emotional seeing their behavior that makes you hurt, Hehehe. Oh yes, if you know other applications that alay children have installed, share in the comments column, yes!

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