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The 9 most popular anime genres among otaku, including hentai?

You like watching anime, gang? If so, then you must know about these 9 most popular anime genres!

What genre do you like watching anime, gang? Anime actually has a lot of genres.

In fact, these genres still have even more subgenres. Among the many genres, of course there are some that are more popular than others.

This time, Jaka wants to give you a list most popular anime genre for anime viewers. Come on, let's just take a look at the list of genres below!

9 Most Popular Anime Genres

Anime fans usually have their own favorite genre according to taste. Those who like suspense may like the genre action, who really likes romance.

In fact, the anime genre rarely stands alone. Most anime has several genres at once. An example is anime comedy romance which is quite popular.

Even so, many people who search for anime only see one genre. Therefore, Jaka will give you a list most popular anime genre JalanTikus version!

1. Action

Photo source: Screen Rant

One of the most popular anime genres is **anime action**. The hallmark of this anime is the many intense battle scenes.

You will see various actions depending on the anime you are watching. This is supported by animations that make us excited and increase adrenaline.

For example, when you see Dragon Ball, you will see a lot of men screaming and throwing energy waves.

Examples of anime: Dragon Ball Naruto My Hero Academia

2. Adventure

Photo source: Viz Media

True to its name, genre anime adventure will take us on an adventure like Dora the Explorer.

That is, this anime will move from location to location until they manage to find what they are looking for along the way.

The problem is, sometimes the adventures that are lived seem endless. Don't believe it? Just try watching One Piece.

Examples of anime: One Piece Fairy Tail Hunter X Hunter

3. Comedy

Photo source: Fanpop

Anime is also one of the media that people use to find entertainment. The reason, because there are so many comedy anime that we can see!

Moreover, anime is basically a man-made animation, so there are a lot of funny things that we can't see in everyday life.

If you like jokes that are comical and a little Overreacting, surely you will like comedy genre anime.

Examples of anime: Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys, Great Teacher Onizuka

Other Popular Genres . . .

4. Drama

Photo source: JustWatch

For anime lovers who like to get carried away and can't help but cry when they see something touching, maybe you should avoid it drama genre anime.

This anime genre will drain our emotions to the full with a storyline that will make you feel what the anime character feels.

However, if you are deliberately looking for a spectacle to provoke tears, you can use this anime genre as a trigger.

Examples of anime: Clannad, Your Lie in April, Anohana

5. Fantasy

Photo source: Akanagi

Anime with fantasy genre suitable for those of you who like fictional worlds full of magical things that we won't find in real life.

Fantasy genres are usually closely related to genres adventure where the main character will go on a long journey in a fantasy world.

There are times when the characters in this game initially come from the ordinary world, then are thrown into a fantasy realm or often referred to as Isekai.

Examples of anime: No Game No Life, Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!, Inuyasha

6. Horror

Photo source: YouTube

Many of us like to watch movies with horror genre. Well, anime also has many of these genres and it's no less scary.

What characterizes this anime is of course the appearance of ghosts, demons, and monsters. Not infrequently the scenes gore spooky ones also appear.

If you're not the brave type who can see sadistic things, then don't watch this genre or you'll scream hysterically out of fear!

Examples of anime: Another, School-Live!, Hell Girl

7. Mystery

Photo source: Manga Thrill

mystery what's here doesn't mean a mystery about another world huh, gang. In the anime world, mysteries tend to be unsolved and require investigation.

The easiest example is detective anime like Detective Conan. Maybe you have felt sympathy for Conan, because wherever he goes there is always a murder case.

What is clear, there are many mystery things that make you watch this genre of anime while seriously thinking.

Examples of anime: Detective Conan, Hyouka, Eden of the East

8. Romance

Photo source: Fanpop

Many people like the romance genre while imagining themselves experiencing the same things we watch.

Anime has a lot of romance subgenres. Even though you are not a real human, Jaka guarantees that you will still be happy to watch it.

The romance genre is about love and beautiful moments that you don't want to forget. Usually, anime shoujo identical to this one genre.

Examples of anime: Nisekoi, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Toradora

9. Slice of Life

Photo source: Random Curiosity

The last popular anime genre is Slice of Life. If you like casual anime that doesn't have a specific storyline, this genre is definitely for you.

As the name implies, this anime will contain everyday events that may also occur in our real lives.

The Slice of Life anime genre has normal characters who generally don't have special abilities, except for making us smile a little when watching it.

Examples of anime: Barakamon Non Non Biyori Lucky Star

Apart from the genres that Jaka mentioned above, there are actually many other subgenres. Just say it Isekai, Music, Sports, Post-Apocalyptic, Harem, and so forth.

Hentai itself falls into a subgenre and does not fall into the popular category. Jaka advises you not to watch this genre, it's just adding to the sin!

In addition, Jaka did not include this genre in the list because not all otaku like this genre. You don't either, okay?

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