
5 other airplane mode functions that you must know

Not only for safety, this is another function of Airplane Mode (Flight Mode) on a smartphone that you must know.

Other Functions of Airplane Mode - Airplane Mode in smartphones (Android, iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry) of course, many people already know.

Airplane Mode or Flight Mode This is provided for smartphone users who want to continue using their devices without fear of interfering with the aircraft's communication system while flying.

But apart from safety, did you know that Airplane Mode has other functions that we can actually use when we are on the ground (not flying).

What are some other functions of Airplane Mode or Airplane Mode that you can use on the ground? Here is the full review:

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Other Functions Airplane Mode (Flight Mode)

1. Save Battery

When we know we have a little battery left but we have to call someone sometime later, then we can use Airplane Mode to help save battery. By activating this function, the process background in the smartphone or tablet system will stop.

2. Speed ​​Up Battery Recharge

Not many know if Airplane Mode can also help the process of recharging the battery (Charging). If you are in a hurry to charge your smartphone battery, then you can activate Airplane Mode while connecting the power cable.

When Airplane Mode is on, all connections like Cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and location will be turned off. So that the battery power is not sucked up to do many activities other than recharging, so the battery will be charged quickly.

How to activate Airplane Mode

3. Avoid Distraction

Smartphones are sometimes one of the distractions that can distract when we are concentrating or driving.

This is due to the sound or vibration of the notification issued, be it from an incoming SMS message, a phone call, or a notification from an app chat other.

The best way to avoid smartphone distractions while driving is to turn on Airplane Mode. With Airplane Mode on, there will be no incoming notifications that might annoy you.

4. Amplify Signal

Feel the network you get is not very good? You can activate the feature Airplane Mode. When Airplane Mode is active, it will cut off all networks connected to your smartphone. When Airplane Mode is deactivated again, your smartphone will automatically search for a new network.

5. Speed ​​Up Android

One of the causes of slow Android is the large amount of data traffic in and out of our Android. When Airplane Mode is active, all data traffic will be turned off so that the smartphone will be fast again.

Those are some other functions of Airplane Mode] that you can try. If you know more about the other functions of the mode or you have an interesting experience using Airplane Mode, you can share in the comments column.

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