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it turns out that this is the reason why anime in Japan lacks adult scene censorship

Curious why there are so many adult scenes in anime that aren't censored in Japan? Let's find out what are the reasons that make the content pass censorship.

Anime is one of the most popular entertainment media in the world. The unique pattern of story and character development, different from western films in general, makes anime attracts many people.

In addition, anime is also known as an expressive medium where the author's ideas are often poured into it without being limited by certain interests.

As a result, anime often looks more vulgar and sadistic, as if it is not censored like other cartoons made in America.

5 Reasons Why Anime in Japan Is Under Censorship

Many anime that feature violent scenes are even classified as scenes gore and not censored at all, as well as scenes that look vulgar and sensual.

When it aired in other countries, this anime had to undergo various adjustments to make it eligible for broadcast, either by blurring certain parts or cutting the scene.

Then why do scenes like this pass the censorship process carried out in their home country, namely in Japan? Here are some reasons.

1. Differences in Sensor Standards in Japan and Other Countries

photo source: quora.com

The first thing that makes some scenes that might seem inappropriate in a western country still exist in anime is the difference in the sensor standard applied.

How many body parts are worth showing, how much blood or other sadistic things are allowed to be shown, limited to a different scale in each country.

Japan also has its own standards regarding what scenes are appropriate and not eligible to be included in certain popular anime.

This standard is determined based on cultural roots, and community understanding. For example, the hot spring scene may seem vulgar in other countries, but it has become part of Japanese culture.

2. Anime Categorization

Photo source: ramenswag.com

Not all anime is made like the Doraemon film whose main market share is children, many anime are deliberately made for adult audiences.

Anime is classified into various categories, and not all of these categories are free for all ages to watch.

Action anime like Tokyo Ghoul featuring bloody battle scenes, will not be broadcast freely at showtimes where kids can watch it easily.

Just like the cartoon films The Simpson or Family Guy which were made specifically for adult audiences, there are also many vulgar and sadistic anime that are made specifically for the adult market.

3. Relatively Different Cultural Values ​​and Norms

photo source: nintendo.com

If you've seen the original version of Shin Chan's comedy anime where Shinchan drew an elephant on his lower body and flaunted it, maybe you've wondered why a scene like this can escape censorship?

Different culture produce different approaches to various problems, including in determining whether or not a content is appropriate.

The Shinchan scene above is also another similar scene, it's allowed because collective believe that such a scene will not cause negative fantasies In Japan.

This may not be accepted in some countries for reasons that are contrary to the previous argument, and that is perfectly fine considering that the prevailing culture and norms are indeed different.

4. Fan Service Culture

Photo source: zerochan.net

As an anime connoisseur, you must have often heard this term. Fan service is a scene insert that aims to make the audience feel happy.

The insertion of this scene can take various forms from start to frequency in displaying certain characters, to make the characters display certain poses.

This is one of the important factors that makes the world of adult anime crowded with fans, and makes the censorship process more flexible in certain corridors.

Even though, These limits are also applied professionally and in reasonable portions.

5. Understanding Different Spiritual Concepts

photo source: myanimelist.net

Apart from sadistic scenes and slightly revealing clothing, sometimes anime too display conflicting spiritual concepts with a spiritual concept that is widely embraced throughout the world.

If you're a fan of action or fantasy anime, you've probably heard of a process human sacrifice and also many characters who seem to be in league with the devil.

If there were cartoons like this, parents in Indonesia might be worried that this film would affect the mindset of their children.

This strange spiritual concept has become a common theme in anime because Japanese people are able to understand well that things like this are just fiction.

What's more, these themes generally exist in adult anime, where the audience already has sufficient spiritual reasoning concepts to distinguish which ones are worthy or not.

Those are some of the reasons why anime seems to be made with a very minimal censorship process, different from other cartoon films.

Anime is often generalized as a medium of entertainment for children, even though many of them are specifically made for adult audiences.

Hopefully the information that ApkVenue shares this time can entertain all of you, and see you again in the next articles.

Also read articles about Anime or other interesting articles from Restu Wibowo.

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