Gadget Tips

how to get free internet using airplane mode (100% works)

Do you believe that your cellphone can still surf the internet even though you are in airplane mode? So here's how to surf for free using airplane mode (100% works)

So that electromagnetic waves from smartphones do not interfere with the performance of aircraft engines, we are required to turn off the smartphone while boarding the plane. But thanks to increasingly advanced technology, we can use Airplane Mode.

By activating Airplane Mode, automatically all network functions such as mobile data, WiFi, and Bluetooth on your smartphone will die.

But you know, apparently you can still internet at Airplane Mode lol? Want to know how to surf in Airplane Mode? Check out the review below!

How to surf the internet using Airplane Mode

By turning off all network functions using Airplane Mode, your smartphone battery becomes much more efficient.

The problem is that there is no data traffic transferred by the smartphone, so you can't even access the internet.

But, you can surf the internet at Airplane Mode in the following way:

Step 1 - Make sure the data connection is on

  • Before entering Airplane Mode, make sure your smartphone's data connection is on. Next, please enter Airplane Mode.

Step 2 - Type the secret code

  • In dialer your smartphone, please type *#*#4636#*#*. If successful, then this smartphone secret code will open the menu Device Testing on smartphones. Next select Device Information.

Step 3 - Select turn on radio

  • On the menu Device Information, all information will appear realtime your current device. Scroll down, and look for options Turn On Radio, then click until it changes to Turn Off Radio.

Step 4 - Select running test

  • After the radio is in the ON position, scroll up and click Run Ping Test. This is to prove that the radio is really active.

Step 5 - Done

  • Voila, you can already surf in a position Airplane Mode! To prove it, please open website anything or not Google Play Store to download something.

It's easy, it's really easy to use the internet Airplane Mode this!? So now you can show off to friends because you can surf in a position Airplane Mode.

Note: When tested on several smartphones, this method cannot be used on smartphones using Indosat operator. But, please try it yourself.

So, Airplane Mode Is Not Safe Dong?

The question then arises, is it really safe to use Airplane Mode on an airplane? Because in this way it turns out that even though we are in Airplane Mode, we can still surf the internet.

So, don't try to use the internet in airplane mode on the plane, okay! Because the impact on aircraft engine function is not yet known.

Also read articles about Airplane Mode or articles from Epi Kusnara other.

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