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electricity token price list pln

Confused about buying an Electric Voucher but don't know the price? Don't worry, here's the most complete and latest Electric Token price list in 2020!

As a primary human need in this modern era, the use of electricity must be included in the expenditure plan of every household. By checking electricity bills regularly, we can manage expenses carefully.

Therefore, this time Jaka will review electricity token price list issued by PLN is the most complete and latest in 2020.

In addition, Jaka will also tell you how to calculate kWh of electricity which will really help you in managing your monthly expenses. Come on, see the following review!

Price List of Cheap and Complete PLN Electricity Tokens

Electricity is one of the primary needs of today's society. No wonder, you have to know the various ins and outs, including knowing PLN customer ID. This is very important, gang, considering that this ID is what you use when making nominal payments for electricity tokens.

Not only that, you must know the information about the electricity token price list per kWh. That way, you will understand the price of electricity tokens and how much electricity you get from the price you buy.

Without needing to linger, Jaka will discuss it all in this article. Stay tuned, gang!

Complete List of PLN Electricity Token Prices

There is 6 (six) nominal provided by PLN as the price of electricity tokens that you can buy. Of course you can determine according to your needs and usage every month.

But wait! The nominal stated when you make a purchase is not just the amount you get for your electricity.

The image alias illustration below may be able to help you a little to explain that the price we pay to buy electricity tokens is different from the price we pay for electricity tokens Token Value and Number of kWh Electric tokens which we will get.

Photo source: PLN

The six nominal electricity prices provided will indeed produce a different token value and amount of electricity. For more details, you can see in the table the latest and most complete list of electricity token prices below.

The table below is (Note: Token value and Total Electricity in the table below are based on DKI Jakarta and surrounding areas with a PPJ value of 3%)

Token PriceToken Value*Total Electricity
IDR 20,000,-IDR 17,000,-13.2 kWh
IDR 50.000,-IDR 47,000,-33.1 kWh
IDR 100,000,-IDR 97,000,-66.2 kWh
IDR 250.000,-Rp 244,000,-132.3 kWh
IDR 500,000,-IDR 494,000,-328.9 kWh
IDR 1.000.000,-IDR 994,000,-659.7 kWh

*Token value does not include administrative fee deductions which differ at each point of purchase or ATM used.

Development of Electric Token Price List in 2020

Since deployment Covid-19 or Corona virus in Indonesia is getting faster and wider from day to day, the entire economy of the community is affected and is also hit hard.

Therefore, the Government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) provides free electricity tokens to around 24 million 450 VA customers and 7 million 900 VA customers (subsidy). Unmitigated, this free electricity token will be given for 6 month!

This free electricity tariff facility can also be enjoyed for prepaid or postpaid customers. For more information plus how to get the free electricity token, you can read it in the Jaka article the following.

Bonus: How to Calculate Electric kWh

After knowing the price list of electricity tokens and knowing the amount of electricity (in kWh) obtained, not a few became curious and wanted to know the exact amount of electricity that was obtained when buying an electricity token with a certain nominal value.

Here's how to calculate kWh of electricity using the Prepaid Electricity kWh Calculator. Here's how to do the calculations using the electricity token calculator!

Step - 1: After you open the Prepaid Electricity kWh Calculator, the first step you have to do is select Rate/Power Class. Choose one that is the electric group in your home.

Step - 2: If so, continue by selecting Electricity Voucher Nominal that you have bought before.

Step - 3: Finally, enter percentage of Street Lighting Tax (PPJ) which corresponds to the area or your domicile. Then you will immediately get the number of kWh of electricity that you get.

To find out the percentage of PPJ in the area where you live, check the table that Jaka provides below.

PPJ PercentageRegion
PPJ 3%DKI Jakarta

Regency. attack

PPJ 5%Denpasar


PPJ 6%Bandung


PPJ 7%Medan
PPJ 8%Surabaya


PPJ 9%Banda Aceh


PPJ 10%Gorontalo


That's Jaka's review of current electricity token price list complete with how to find out the value and kWh you get.

Now you no longer only know how to buy and top up, but you also know complete information about the rates you pay and what you get.

Also read articles about Price or other interesting articles from Reynaldi Manasse.

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