
did you get hacked? this is the most powerful way to solve it!

What to do if you get hacked? Calm down, through this article, Jaka will provide information on what if you get hacked and what you should do bro.

In the digital world, not a few people have their accounts hacked. If not, have you ever thought if you got hacked what would happen? Or, have you felt how painful it would be if you got hacked?

So, what to do if you get hacked? Calm down, through this article Jaka will provide information on what if you get hacked and what you should do, brader.

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What to Do If You Get Hacked?

1. Reset Password

Photo source: Photo: Isunshare

Well, the first thing you must do is you have to reset your password. Well, what if you've been hacked? It's easy, usually you will be referred to an email in your account creation. Or, you provide another email as a back-up email from the one you use.

If you want to be extra careful, you can read Want an ANTI HACKER Password? It's 7 Easy Steps To Make It!. Guaranteed, you will not be hacked again.

2. Activate Antivirus

Photo source: Photo: Antivirussoftware

Sometimes you really often ignore this one thing, which is forgetting to activate your antivirus. The danger is also pretty bad you know if you are negligent, namely your account can be hacked by someone with bad intentions.

So, from now on, don't forget to activate your antivirus. If you want to know how great the antivirus is, you can read on How to Test How Strong an Antivirus You Are Using.

3. Set Up Two-Step Verification

Photo source: Photo: Paul.reviews

Apart from antivirus, the next thing that is often forgotten is two-step verification. The strongest reason is that you are lazy to do it. But, if so then the possibility for your account to be hacked is very large.

Then, how to do this? Yes, don't worry, you can read the article How to Enable Two-Step Verification to Avoid Hacker Attacks. It's easy, right?

That's what you have to do if you get hacked. Don't panic, think calmly and surely, your account will come back. Also make sure you read articles related to Hack or other interesting articles from Jofinno Herian.

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