Antivirus & Security

this is the most used pin code number combination in the world!

This is the Most Used 4 Digit PIN Code Number Combination in the World! Are you one of them?

Security features in the form of a combination of code numbers PIN (Personal Identification Number) is still popular and is often used to unlock smartphones, laptops, or PCs. And it is still commonly used as a security for debit and credit cards when transactions at ATMs or when shopping. But roughly, what is the combination of numbers commonly used as a PIN code? It turns out, This is the World's Most Used PIN Code Number Combination!.

Previously, Jaka had written an article about 7 Passwords to Avoid According to Bill Gates. One of the passwords to avoid is sequential numbers, such as 123456. However, it turns out to be an array of numbers 1234 Instead, it is the most widely used 4-digit PIN code combination in the world. The data is obtained from DataGenetics.

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In fact, this 1234 PIN user reaches 10,7% of all respondents studied. As you can see in the table below.


Meanwhile, the least used 4-digit PIN code combination is 8068, with users only 0.000744% or ranks10.000 in the survey. As you can see in the following table.


For a 6 to 10 digit PIN code combination, it turns out that sequential numbers are still the main choice. You can see the data in the following table.

That's The World's Most Used PIN Code Number Combination! From this research, it can be seen that most people don't want to be bothered in choosing the combination of 4-digit PIN code numbers to use. The reason, of course, is to make it easier to remember. In fact, these sequential numbers are very easy to guess and can threaten the security of their smartphone or ATM card.

By looking at the data above, ApkVenue hopes that you can be wiser in choosing Password or PIN code yes! Use a password or PIN code that is easy to remember, but not easy to guess. If you want to use a date, avoid your birth date or birthday. Think of other dates, such as the date when you were circumcised, the date you broke up with your ex, or any other special date that no one but you can remember or know about.

So, if you have other info or tips for choosing a password or PIN code combination, please write your opinion in the column comments below this.

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