
how to delete android empty & junk folder, 100% clean!

Reviews on how to delete empty and trash folders on Android phones are useful for freeing up full internal memory and speeding up Android phone performance.

Whether you're moving files or accessing the File Manager on your Android phone, you'll often find a messy trash folder even though it's empty, right?

Of course this is very annoying and will make it difficult for you to open it guys.

But don't worry, you can do it automatically in delete empty folder and trash on Android phones in just one click! Let's see how it is in full.

How to Delete Empty and Junk Folders on Android Phones!

Empty folder on Android phone Of course it will be very annoying, because it makes the File Manager look untidy when you access it.

Especially if this empty folder can fill up the internal memory and slow down the performance of your Android smartphone.

Instead of bothering to delete hundreds of folders one by one, you can follow how to delete empty folder Here's what you can do in one click.

Steps to Use Empty Folder Cleaner to Delete Empty Folders

  • Step - 1: First, download the app Empty Folder Cleaner which you can download via the link below.
  • Step - 2: Open the Empty Folder Cleaner application and to start deleting empty folders on Android, you can just fill in the address of a particular directory or select it default.
  • Step - 3: If you only want to scan the photo and video folders, tap three dots icon in the top right corner and select Photos Folder. Then the directory will automatically change to the saved camera folder.
  • Step - 4: To start living tapCLEAN and the display appears Working... while the application is running. Wait for the process scanning and delete done. Finally, you will be notified, which folders have been successfully deleted by Empty Folder Cleaner.


How to Overcome Full Internal Memory on Android Phones!

Surely you are annoyed when you find the Android phone you are using is getting slower performance because of the internal memory is getting full with the application.

Though there are some easy steps you can take to overcome it. Here's the full review:


So that's how to delete empty and trash folders on Android phones easily and quickly, in just one click.

This way you don't have to bother to delete them one by one, right? Good luck and I hope it's useful!

Also read articles about Android or other interesting articles from Satria Aji Purwoko.

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