
6 ways to make strong and good passwords easy to remember

how to make a strong and good password is very important to avoid hacker attacks and unwanted things

The digital era makes billions of devices connected to each other, the threat of information security is also a challenge. Password has also become an important part for perpetrators on line, because all accounts rely on passwords. Therefore, it is important to know how to create a strong and good password that is easy to remember.

Reporting from Ubergizmo, how to create a strong and good password is very important to avoid attacks hacker and unwanted things. This article will help you understand what a strong password looks like, creating strong passwords that are easy to remember, but hard for other people (or machines) to guess.

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6 Ways to Create a Strong and Good Password

1. Make a long password

Photo source: Photo:LifeWired.com

If by chance you're not mood To read the entire article, ApkVenue wants you to understand two things.

  • The longer password it's getting stronger.
  • Avoid using market passwords.

One of the most popular attacks stealing passwords is Brute-force attack aka brutal attack. This means that the attacker will experiment starting with a list of the most common passwords or using all possible password combinations.

The longer the password, the more time it will take an attacker to crack it. You can see an example below.

Password lengthTime required
9agcZ16 minutes
9agcZE5 hours (18X longer)
9agcZEM3 days (14x longer)
9agcZEM74 months (40X longer)
9agcZEM7H26 years (78x longer)

As you can see, adding only one character makes your password much harder to crack.

2. Create a password that is easy to remember, but hard to guess

Photo source: Photo:WeLiveSecurity.com

How do you create a password that is easy to remember, but hard to guess? You can use special events in your life to create password. For example:

"On October 30, 2016, I climbed an ancient lighthouse as high as 70 meters on the island of Lengkuas Belitung!"

Try to remember again, special events in your life. Of course, this is easy for you to remember because it really impresses you. However, it will be very difficult for others to guess. In fact, it is very difficult for a machine to guess by just trying all the possible combinations.

With today's computer technology, it would take "centuries" to crack a password like this. Don't forget to pay close attention to the upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols used.

Oh yeah, never use popular quotes for your passwords. Because it's most likely been added into database, as a shortcut to crack your password.

3. Don't make passwords that are hard to remember, but easy to guess

Photo source: Photo: Hullabaloo.com

Often we create passwords that are difficult to remember, but are very easy to guess. An example is changing the vowel a to 4, i to 1, or o to 0.

For example the password becomes "P4ssw0rd". If you still use this method and use popular words. It's best to change your password immediately.

4. Managing hundreds of passwords is easy, with the right tools

Photo source: Photo:WindowsCentral.com

It's important to use a different password for each important account you have, such as email and banking on line. Reusing passwords is very risky. If someone knows your password for an account, that person is more likely to be able to access your email, address, and even money.

However, it is not easy to remember dozens of different strong passwords. For that, you need password manager as LastPass or 1Password to manage tens or even hundreds of passwords for your accounts.

By using password manager, you can also generate random passwords like 9agcZEM7HqLcXX29ldQI which is rather difficult to predict and remember. However, you don't need to remember the password if you use a password manager.

The reason is, you can log in automatically using your favorite browser. Make your life much better, and safer at the same time. Although there is also a bad possibility, if the service is hacked hacker.

5. Keep passwords safe

Photo source: Photo: Pardot.com

Do not leave notes containing passwords for various sites on your computer or desk. Passers-by will be able to easily steal this information and use it to infiltrate your account.

If you decide to save your password in a file on your computer, create a unique name for the file so that other people don't know what it contains. Avoid naming files that reflect too much on their contents, for example "my password".

6. Add an extra layer of security

Photo source: Photo:Mobiweb.com

After you create a password, you can add an extra layer of security by enabling 2-Step Verification. 2-Step Verification requires that you have access to your phone, as well as a username and password, when logging into a service account.

This means that if someone steals or guesses your password, they won't be able to get into your account because they don't have your phone. Now you can protect yourself with something you know (password) and something you own (phone).

That's how to create a strong and good password, but easy to remember and how to secure it. So, don't wait any longer and start applying.

It's better to spend a little time now, to secure your passwords than to endure the threat of attack cyber which is increasingly rampant. Good luck.

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