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how to extend the active period of Indosat (update 2020)

How to extend Indosat's active period can be done through several methods, even without credit. Check out how to buy Indosat's active period in full here! ️

How to extend Indosat's active period, including one of them is by buy Indosat active period, is now the most frequently used method by its users.

How not, in order to continue to enjoy Indosat's internet packages, which are offered at affordable prices, you do have to have a sufficient active period of the card, gang.

However, the problem is that currently almost all communication activities are carried out using internet quota instead of credit, so we rarely top up credit and make the active period not increase.

But don't worry! Jaka has a few tricks how to extend Indosat's active period without credit or with the latest credit 2020. Curious? Come on, let's take a look at the following discussion!

Collection of Ways to Extend Indosat's Active Period (Update 2020)

Not much different from how to set Indosat APN, how to extend Indosat Ooredoo's active period, be it IM3 Ooredoo or Mentari Ooredoo, can also be done in several ways.

You can choose the three ways to buy Indosat's active period according to your needs and also the status of your current credit or internet package.

All the methods that Jaka shares this time have their own advantages and disadvantages, because of their different nature. For more details, just see the discussion below.

How to Extend Indosat's Active Period Without Credit

If you don't have money anymore, you can too extend the active period of Indosat without credit lol, gang. This method can be used if you have more than 1 Indosat card.

Then, how? The trick is to transfer Indosat credit. If you have two Indosat numbers, you can also transfer your credit from one number to another.

You can use this way of extending Indosat's active period without credit when you don't really need to top up.

The following is a table of the number of active periods you get if you receive a shipment or transfer credit.

Transfer AmountActive period
0 - 1.9990 days
2.000 - 4.9990 days
5.000 - 9.9993 days
10.000 - 19.9997 days
20.000 - 49.00015 days
50.000 - 99.99922 days
100.000 - 149.00030 days
150.000 - 199.00045 days

After the credit transfer process is complete, in addition to receiving credit, the recipient will also automatically extend Indosat's active period according to the nominal in the table above.

The fee for transferring this credit is IDR 600 for each transaction and will be charged to the sender. You must also have been an active user for at least 181 days.

Both the sender and the recipient must be active (except Matrix Ooredoo). So, you can do this method when you are nearing the end of your active period.

How to Transfer Indosat Credit

If you have two Indosat numbers, you can follow the steps that Jaka describes below to be able to apply how to extend Indosat's active period for free.

Step 1 - Send SMS to 151

  • Send SMS to 151 with the format: TRANSFERPULSE[space]Mobile phone number[space]NOMINAL PULSE

Step 2 - Enter Token

  • After that, the credit sender will receive an SMS reply from the operator in the form of a TOKEN confirmation given to process the credit transfer.

Reply or send another SMS to 151 with the format: OK[space](TOKEN). Example: OK 1234 then send to 151.

Step 3 - Credit Transfer Success!

  • You (as a credit sender) will receive an SMS notification of a successful credit transfer.

As a note, a fee of Rp600 will be charged for each pulse sending.


How to Extend the Active Period of an Indosat Card by Replenishing Credit

The alternative to extending the next active period of Indosat is to make a purchase or top up credit.

You can buy top-up vouchers at cellphone counters, ATM machines, Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, GO-Pay, OVO, Kredivo, and many more.

This method of extending Indosat's active period is indeed the most common method. If you routinely top up your credit at least once a month, you don't need to worry about the active period.

Following is the nominal value of the Indosat voucher (IM3 and Mentari) along with the total active period you get when reloading.

NominalActive period
5.0007 days
10.00015 days
25.00030 days
50.00040 days
75.00045 days
100.00060 days
150.00090 days
250.000*120 days
500.000*120 days
1.000.000*120 days

As a note, * only available for Mentari Ooredoo and the maximum accumulated active period of the card after reloading using an Indosat Ooredoo voucher is 90 days.

How to Buy Indosat Active Period with Credit

If you still have a lot of credit but the active period will run out soon, you can purchase the active period with credit.

This method of extending the active period of an IM3 or Mentari card is suitable if your Indosat number is the second number and you rarely use the credit you bought.

The steps to buy Indosat's active period are also very easy. Here are the steps you can follow to do it.

  • Open the SMS/Message/Message application then create a new message and type active3. After that, send to 555 to increase the active period of 3 days.
  • Meanwhile, if you want to increase the active period of 14 days, type SMS active14 then send to 555.
  • To extend Indosat's active period of 30 days, type SMS active30 then send to 555.
SMS FormatCredit FeeActive period
Active32.0003 days
Active145.00014 days
Active3010.00030 days

How to Increase Indosat's Active Period by Exchanging Points

Exchange points has now become one of the programs that almost every telecommunication provider card has for its customers, including Indosat cards.

By taking advantage of this program, you can also increase the active period of Indosat that runs out without the need to spend money or pulses, aka free, gang.

However, before exchanging points with an active period, also make sure you have a sufficient number of points. Where the minimum number of points that can be exchanged for the active period is 25 and apply multiples.

How to extend the active period of Indosat 2020 by exchanging these points is also very easy. You only need to send an SMS message with the format MA (space) Number of points, then send to 7887.

photo source: android62

Instead of letting the points you have just pile up and your Indosat card dies because it's running out of active period, it's better to use this trick to extend it.

This is how to extend the active period of Indosat Ooredoo (IM3 and Mentari). You can use the method that ApkVenue shared this time according to your needs.

Just a tip, if you want to keep your number active, you should regularly top it up about once a week or once a month.

Meanwhile, for those of you who are looking for a way to extend the active period of the free Indosat quota, until now there is no way to do this, gang.

Hopefully the information that Jaka shares this time is useful for all of you, and good luck in extending the active period of your card!

Also read articles about Indosat or other interesting articles from Andini Anissa.

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