Tech Hack

how to create the newest whatsapp (wa) group 2021

For those who are still confused, this is the easiest and fastest way to create a WA group. Just invite, give the name of the WA group, and upload a profile photo.

WhatsApp groups aka WA are one of the favorite communication platforms today. But, in fact, there are still people who don't know how to create a WA group, be it for friends, office colleagues, or family.

In fact, the communication process in the group becomes easier and faster. Like the group on BlackBery Messenger (BBM) before, now there is a WA group to replace it.

It's no wonder that currently WA is widely used for communication at school, campus, office, or family. This is especially so during a pandemic like now.

Well, for those of you who haven't been able to create a WA group, Jaka will briefly explain here. Check out the steps on how to create a WA group below!

How to Create a WA Group on Android

The first thing Jaka wants to tell you is how to create a WhatsApp group on an Android phone. Oh yes, for WA group names, a maximum of 25 characters. Can't be more than that.

You can also add an emoji as a WhatsApp group name. For the steps on an Android phone, see below!

  1. Open the WhatsApp application. Tap the three-dot menu located in the upper right corner.

  2. choose Create Group or Create Group.

  1. Add the people you want to add to the WhatsApp group.

  2. Name the WhatsApp group as desired. If so, click the green check button.

  1. Alternatively, press the button Chat in the bottom corner, then click Create a Group/Create Group.

How to Create WhatsApp Groups on iOS

Next, it's the turn for iOS users who want Jaka to tell you how to create a WhatsApp group. Actually, the method is the same as on Android.

However, to make it more complete, Jaka will still tell you in detail. Here's how to create a WA group on iOS!

  1. Create a new chat by pressing the button in the upper right corner, select New Group.
  1. Select the WA group member you want to add, then give the group a name.

How to Create Your Own WA (WhatsApp) Group on the Web

WhatsApp groups can also be opened via browser on the desktop. You just need to visit the WhatsApp Web site to open WA on WhatsApp browser.

After opening WA Web, you can do the same steps as on your cellphone to create a new group. For those who are still confused, see how below.

  1. Open WA Web, click the three-dot menu in the upper right corner or click the chat logo located next to it. choose New Group.
  1. Select the contact you want to invite to the WA group, then select the group name and profile photo.

If you use the WhatsApp application on Windows or Mac, you can apply the same method, yes. Just follow and the process is also fairly fast.

How to Create a WhatsApp Group Link

In addition, if you already have a WA group, there is an easy way to invite other people to join. The trick is to share the link or group link.

You can also share the WhatsApp group link on Instagram or other social media accounts. Then, how to make this link?

You just follow the steps below. Jaka guarantees that you can immediately invite many people to the WA group.

  1. Open the chat in the WhatsApp group, then tap the group name.
  2. Tap the Invite via link option.
  3. Select the option Send link via WhatsApp.
  4. Copy link and Share link/link on Instagram or other social media platforms.

Until here, Jaka's explanation was about how to create a WA (WhatsApp) group and group links on both Android phones, iPhones, or laptops. This way, you can chat with your close friends or family more intensely.

Indeed, sometimes I hate it when in WhatsApp groups there are many who spread things that are not clear, especially if someone spreads hoaxes. Even though the name WA group can be useful and maintain friendship.

If you join or create a WhatsApp (WA) group, don't spread hoaxes like that!

Congratulations on creating a useful WA group and group link! Good luck.

Also read other interesting articles about WhatsApp from Nabila Ghaida Zia.

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