
this is how to make your own map on google maps

Can't find the location you're looking for on Google Maps? Just add it using how to create a location on Google Maps. Guaranteed, easy!

Google Maps App it really helps us to find a location or a guide. In addition to having excellent features, this service also always gets updates on the latest places and roads from Google.

Even though you always get updates from Google, it doesn't mean the location provided by Google is always complete in the Maps service. There are times when we can't find a way or a place which we want to go to in the Google Maps application.

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Here's How to Make Your Own Map on Google Maps

Even though it is complete, you must have come across a situation where the road and location you are looking for is not found on Google Maps. But don't worry, you can add the name of the street and the location, how come it passes how to make location on google maps.

The method is very easy, you only need to install the **My Maps** application on your Android. This application itself was developed by Google for those of you who want to create their own maps that can be used in the Google Maps application.

here how to make your own map on Google Maps, just follow the steps:

1. After you install the Google My Maps application, open the application and tap Accept & Continue, then just skip the next page.

2. You will be faced with the main page of this application. To add a new map, tap plus icon in the lower right corner.

3. Provide a title and description of the map you want to create.

4. Then tap the plus icon again in the lower right corner and you will be faced with two choices. choose Add a new line to add a path, and select Add a new point to add locations, such as houses, public facilities, stalls, and others.

5. If you choose to add a road, you only need to connect the lines to indicate the name of the road.

The trick, specify the starting point of the path you want to add by hovering the cursor X, then to start press add icon and drag the cursor in the direction you want. Do it repeatedly until the path you want is complete.

6. Meanwhile, to add a place, you just need to put a dot with the place you want, then press Select this location.

7. Then, you will go to a page to provide the identity of the item you created earlier. Provide name and description of these two items.

8. If you have provided information on the item, the map will be automatically saved in your Google account. You can access it via options Created by Me or via app Google Maps > My Place > Maps.

That's how to make a location on google maps easily by using the My Maps application from Google. Now you don't need to be confused anymore, right if you don't find your way or location on Google Maps?

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