
15 best airplane simulator games 2018

Recommendations for the best airplane simulator games that you can play according to your choice on both Android devices and PCs.

Through games, we can feel fantasy that cannot be done in real life. One of them is the fantasy of flying an airplane or fighter.

Games simulator The plane does not just offer a mere fantasy, but is designed to combine video games and reality.

Curious? Following 15 best airplane simulator games.

Before being included in the recommendations, incidents surrounding plane crashes are still common, including in Indonesia. We also often blame certain parties, including the pilots.

In fact, we ourselves don't know how difficult and complicated it is to drive an airplane or even a fighter plane. The games below can certainly answer your curiosity.

Best Airplane Simulator Games 2018

You who aspire to be a pilot or just want to feel the sensation of flying a plane through an airplane simulation. Don't have access to do that? Do not worry!

You can make it happen through games that you can play on both the PC and mobile (Android) versions. Here Jaka gives his recommendations:


1. Airplane Pilot Sim

Talking about airplanes, of course you have to include Airplane Pilot Sim as one of the airplane simulator games that you must try. You will be invited and challenged to act as a professional pilot in a flight that is also professional.

Although graphically, this game cannot be said to be the best, but the experience of driving an airplane that you get is quite realistic. No need to be afraid of being bored because during the flight, you will also be given exciting and challenging missions.

Download: Airplane Pilot Sim

2. Infinite Flight Simulator

For those of you who are still lay, aka do not understand at all about aircraft, Infinity Flight Simulator is a game that you must try to play the first time.

This game offers you to try first the tutorial and introduction to the components of the steering wheel of the plane, before you start flying it.

Graphically, this one game can be said to be very good. You will feel the sensation of flying which is quite real in this game. You will also not be short of options because there are more than 17 aircraft models available that you can fly.

Download: Infinite Flight Simulator

3. Absolute RC

Although it only provides four aircraft models for you to use, Absolute RC arguably one of the best games for those of you who want to feel the sensation of being a pilot.

Regarding graphics, there is no need to doubt this game because it displays details of the plane and the sky and other city views that are very clear and real. You will play while learning good and correct flight procedures.

Download: Absolute RC

4. Google Earth: Flight Simulator

Google Earth: Flight Simulator different from the game simulator On the other hand, this game doesn't look realistic but there's nothing wrong with including it as the best. Besides being free, this game offers a variety of interesting features.

Players can see a 3D view of the image by Google satellite. With two powerful aircraft options such as the Propeller F-16 Viper and the Cirrus SR22, we can explore the earth anywhere.

Plus, you don't have to worry about running out of fuel. You can even land planes at world-famous airports.

5. Jane's USAF

Jane's USAF is a game that was created in the early 90's is able to record new innovations in the game industry. In addition to appearing in 3D, this game is able to offer a more expansive visual of the cockpit room, players will be invited to feel the sensation like a real fighter pilot.

Jane's USAF is still playable and suitable for gamer who want to feel the simplicity in the old game.

Another Best Airplane Simulator

6. Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program is one of the flight games simulator The best and most realistic spaceship to date.

Look like astrophysics in real life, we need to spend a long time to study and learn some rules before taking flight.

Sounds complicated but we'll go through some guides first. After that we can start to design, build, and start the launch of the aircraft. Interestingly, we will launch a spaceship based on our own design.

You could say, this game is not easy. We will often experience a plane failing to fly or being destroyed in the air if we design it wrong.

7. X-Plane 10

There are many things that make X-Plane 10 better than game simulator other flights. One of them is the concept of the aerodynamic model used.

In addition, this game also supports subsonic and supersonic flight dynamics which allows players to study the characteristics of an aircraft.

X-Plane 10 also includes more than 1,400 aircraft models that can be played. Gameplay What X-Plane offers is quite detailed, starting from the condition of the aircraft and the weather that we can experience at any time.

We can also have a friend or instructor who is ready to help if there is a problem on the flight. Playing X-Plane 10 will make us feel like a real pilot.

8. Flight Simulator X

Microsoft Flight Simulator X including one simulator amazing flight. This game offers simulation capabilities that are arguably the coolest.

Flight Simulator is a flight simulation game that allows us to experience flying various types of aircraft, the realism offered by this game seems enough to be an exercise for people who want to get a real pilot license.

There are several series of missions that we must complete and this makes us like a pilot who is responsible for flight safety and of course the passengers in it.

Best Fighter Plane Simulator Game 2018

In addition to commercial planes or ordinary planes, you can also learn and at the same time wish to become an Air Force (AU) personnel by trying fighter simulations.

Here are Jaka's recommendations for the best fighter plane simulations that you can play on Android or PC:

1. Falcon 4.0: Allied Force

Falcon 4.0: Allied Force is one of the best games ever. Overall this game offers a fun and complicated game sensation.

But this is what makes the game Falcon 4.0: Allied Force loved by game lovers simulator. Everything in the game is made very detailed and resembles the original.

2. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader

Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader is a plane simulator game that allows us to exterminate aliens with a futuristic spaceship.

For fans of the outer world, it is mandatory to play this game, you will be invited to feel the realism and consistency of the real state of outer space.

3. Rise of Flight

Rise of Flight is a flight game simulator which will take us back to the atmosphere of the first world war. How can we feel the sensation of flying an airplane in the past in this game.

By playing the game Rise of Flight we can also learn a lot, especially how tactics and combat mechanics were great at that time.

The most difficult part when shooting targets moving in the air considering the old planes still did not have sophisticated weapons systems.

4. IL-2 Sturmovik

IL-2 Sturmovik also one of the games that offers the sensation of air war in the era of world war 2, and this game is one of the games simulator best flight of all time.

In addition to having a graphical display and gameplay interestingly, we can enjoy this game with a realistic interface such as the atmosphere in the cockpit room and all the panels in it that look real.

One of the interesting features is the option multiplayer which allows us to play on line with a maximum of 100 players at a time.

5. Strike Fighters 2

Strike Fighters 2 is a game simulator The best focus on action rather than other aspects. Players will be given several missions to blow up a place or warehouse with missiles.

If the mission is successful the player will get money that can be used to upgrade weapons and aircraft components.

One of the best things about the Strike Fighters 2 game is the support from other players, such as expansion packs that can be added, the large number of communities modding, And many others.

There are various types of aircraft that we can get through community forums which are the result modding or made by other players.

Another Best Warplane Simulation

6. War Plane Flight Simulator

War Plane Flight Simulator is a game or application that is really suitable for those of you who want to experience the experience of trying a fighter plane simulation.

No half-hearted, you can immediately jump into the atmosphere of aerial warfare and try to win it with your squad unit. This game made by FOG.COM is one of the most downloaded.

7. F18 Airplane Simulator 3D

Lastly, there are F18 Airplane Simulator 3D. As the title implies, this game will invite you to drive a war plane with the type of F18 which is usually used by superpower air force forces.

There are 20 levels of levels that you must conquer to be able to complete this one game. Return to base when you finish them all.

That's Jaka's recommendation for best airplane simulator game which you can play on PC or Android. Come on, directly download or buy at the nearest game store.

But before that don't forget to leave a comment or share to your friends if it is useful. See you in another article.

Also read articles about Games or writing from Reynaldi Manasse other.

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