
how to make a video from power point easily!

Want to edit videos but don't have the editing skills? Relax, just use this way of making videos from powerpoint with a very easy and simple method!

Of the many editing software the videos that have been circulating so far, the average requires specifications hardware a computer high enough to be able to run it, let's call it the most popular Adobe After Effects.

But this time, I'm going to share a fairly easy way to make videos, OK! How to make this video only from Microsoft Power Point.

The advantage of using this product from Microsoft is that it doesn't really need specifications hardware tall computer. At least for those of you users of laptops or PCs with low specifications, you can easily use this method.

Most importantly, you don't need to install the program again. This advantage applies to those of you who have installed at least Microsoft Office 2013. Okay, just take a good look tutorials from me!

How to Make a Video Using Only Power Point

1. Create slides presentation that you will make a video

For slides presentation as attractive as possible, and add moving animations to beautify the appearance of your presentation

2. Click file then convert to video

  • The trick is click file.

3 Next Steps..

  • Click Export.
  • Click Create a Video.
  • Last click Create Videos, save, and wait for the process to finish.
  • Wait until full.

Below is an example of a presentation that has beenconvert be videos:

How? How easy is it to make a video from powerpoint? It turns out that we don't need to use heavy application programs to edit or create videos.

You only need to use an existing application program on your laptop or PC. If you are still having trouble, want to ask questions, or give suggestions and criticism, please write in the comments column.

Download the Powerpoint application below here

Microsoft Corporation Office & Business Tools Apps DOWNLOAD
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